Remember the attempted skateboard theft this summer?? If not, you need to read “To Catch a Thief” here before you read any further. It happened again.
Yes, once again I had a run-in with scoundrels. Two this time. Two GIRLS.
I saw them in my car and next thing I knew, I watched them BOLT down the street. They were much shorter than the skateboard thief, and much quicker. They were almost out of sight before I could even blink.
Adrenaline kicked in and I started booking it down the street. Again. Barefoot. Again. (Well, I was wearing flip-flops but, of course, those things are impossible to run in so I kicked them off.) Running like a loon in front of my neighbors. Again.
This time the hooligans didn’t run into the woods. They stayed on the sidewalk so I just kept chasing them. Further than last time. I was panting like a dog again, but so were they. They were getting tired. But I was getting tired faster.
The street is a circle so when we rounded a curve, they were out of sight. I was afraid I lost them. But I couldn’t give up. I HAD to catch them. I just HAD to. They may have thought it was going to be an easy get-away. But they were barking up the wrong tree.
I rounded another curve and saw them again. I started howling “COME HERE! COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!” I guess one had an attack of conscience because she turned around and started heading back towards me. But the other one kept going. What to do now? Catch the one who turned herself in, or keep going for the one who probably instigated the shenanigans??
A man and woman had seen what was transpiring and blocked the sidewalk, not letting the other one get by. I guess she wasn’t feeling as brave without her side-kick, so she also turned around. Both girls came up to me, begging for forgiveness. Not this time. No more Mrs. Nice Guy. I will NOT make this a walk in the park for these two. I will hound them until I’m sure they have learned their lesson.
It was a hairy situation, but the man and woman helped me constrain the girls and another neighbor that was driving by asked if I needed her to fetch some help. (Where was all this help when I was chasing the skateboard thief??) I was having a rough time getting the girls back to my house to face their punishment, so the man offered to help lead one while I made the other follow on my heels. I was so thankful for the assistance, I was the man’s best friend at that moment.
As I looked down at the thugs, it almost seemed as though they were playing a game. Especially the one that seemed to enjoy the chase a little too much. I think the other realized it wasn’t a game though because I heard her whimper.
I made sure to get a photo again. But this time it wasn’t as blurry. I wanted to make sure there was no question about the identity of the culprits. You can tell by looking at their faces who is feeling remorseful and who is destined to a life of crime. Scroll down to see the delinquents…
Brace yourself…
It is a shocking image…
The faces of pure evil…

The offenders: our escapee dogs, Cookie and Brownie. They may have sweet names…and faces…but don’t let them fool you. They are trouble. With a capital T.
No more “let’s go for a fun car ride” for these two for a while. Who knew the goofy one on the left would slip out of her collar while I was getting her out of the car. And who knew the normally obedient one would follow on the adventure!
Are they thieves though? Yes, in fact they are.
What did they steal, you may ask? My dignity. That’s what.
After running with the big dogs, now I need to hang on the porch.
How can you do this to me? They are so cute! Great little piece on the little monsters in our house.
They weren’t so “cute” that day! lol Thanks for the comment – glad you enjoyed it!!
I think I peed a little!
Perhaps I should add this…”Warning: Contains funny content. Read with caution and an empty bladder.”
Hilarious! Fun to read again after knowing the ending.
Yes, some of the “references” make more sense once you know what I’m really talking about! Glad you were entertained for a minute.
I’m so glad you’re doing this. All the clues were there but subtle. I just LOVE your writing.
Thank you so much Becky. You are really awesome for my self-confidence!!!
You totally had me. Great post!
Thanks Heather. Glad I was able to fool you!
This is awesome Angela! Loved it.
Thanks Susan! I appreciate the read and the comment!!
OMG! That was too funny! Thanks, I needed the laugh!
Happy to provide a needed laugh!!!
Fantastic! You had me totally fooled. Thanks for the laugh. Great job, Angela!
Thanks Betsy! Silly dogs… Thanks for checking out the blog! Hope you all are well!
Oh my gosh…how stinkin’ cute. In a Marly and Mee sort of way. Thanks for linkin up!!
Jeez…you had me holding my breath to the furry end! So glad these culprits ran on 4 legs instead of 2.
Cute and thieving-a bad combination!
Thanks for sharing!
LOL You got me, I thought they were mischievous girls!
Had no idea they were pups! Great story!