Category Archives: Humor

Guesterday’s News: Toddlers and Teens – 7 Surprising Ways They Are The Same (Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms)

I was fortunate enough to (virtually) meet Ellen and Erin a few months ago.  Love these ladies but I must give them a suggestion.  Change the blog name to Sisterhood of the Sensational Moms!  😉 You’ll see why I suggest that after reading this sensational post.

This post is perfect for anyone with teens in the house…or for anyone who wants a WARNING about what it’s like to have teens in the house.


Ellen Williams and Erin Dymowski are the two friends and writers who share the blog, The Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms. Their great friends inspired them to create this place of support, sensibility, and fun for moms online. They each have their own sensible husbands who, along with Ellen’s two kids and Erin’s five kids, provide plenty of rollicking blog fodder. They also share recipes, book reviews, and a healthy dose of humor and wit on their cozy corner of the internet. They enjoy shuttling their kids to sports, tinkering with their Nikons, and mining their daily lives for the funny.  Ellen and Erin can be found on Facebook and Twitter, as well as many other places (links at the bottom of the post.).
This post was originally published here.


Toddler and teen both begin with “T”, but that’s not where the similarities end…

Ellen: I don’t know about you but when I first started thinking about having children, I was really thinking about having babies.  Cute, cherubic, immobile babies. My vision didn’t really see past burp cloths, bibs, and binkies.

Erin: Oh, really now. Do tell. I have FIVE kids and they are knocking into the teen years like dominoes falling over a ledge. How did I really not see this coming? Where were all of my sensible friends with their little crystal balls to show me my future?

Ellen: I think I just explained that we didn’t know any better either, but you would have thought by number five you would have had some inkling.  If you really think about it . . .

Erin: And squint your eyes?

Ellen: The teen years are not so very different from the toddler years.

Toddlers and Teens 7 Surprising Ways They Are The Same

1. Olfactory Offense

Toddler – The aroma of dirty diapers and unflushed toilets wafts through the air like a radioactive cloud.

Teen – The stench of teen spirit – rank sneakers, bubbling B.O., and body spray—permeates every pore of your upholstery.

2. A Day Out Requires A Sherpa

Toddler – Going out requires packing a stroller, snack, juice box, spare sippy cup, change of clothes, diaper bag, lovey, coloring book, sunscreen, and a partridge in a pear tree. Oh yeah, and don’t forget the patience.

Teen – A day out means a SUV packed with homework dioramas, homeroom donations, gear for multiple sports, musical instruments, a bajillion water bottles and enough extra food to feed the Prussian army. And you might want to remember your patience – Level: Ghandi.

 3. Up All Night

Toddler – “Read me one more story.” “Can I have a glass of water?” “The tag on my pajamas is itching.” “There is a monster under my bed.” “I peed my bed.” “Can I sleep with you?”

Teen – “Can you drive me and my friends to this party and pick us up at midnight (so that you can’t have that glass of wine, can’t put on your PJs, can’t go to bed, and can’t stop your mind from swirling about all of the things that can go on at parties).

 4. On The Weekend, The Early Bird Gets . . . Exhausted

Toddler – In your room at the crack of dawn to snuggle, pee on you, demand breakfast, dribble water, and commandeer the remote for Dora. You move through your long morning like a zombie in jammies.

Teen – You’re in their room at the crack of dawn to pry their butts out of bed with a crow bar to drive halfway across the state for their 12 hour soccer tournament. Wearing jammies is a red card worthy citation. You move through your day like a zombie in yoga pants.

5. Mount Laundry

Toddler – A miniature wardrobe of outfits succumb to jelly spilling, finger painting, toilet dipping, mud splashing, and potty training each and every day. The hamper piles up.

Teen– Burns through a gazillion outfits per day due to gym class, club meetings, band concerts, sports practices, and fickleness. Leaves a trail of clothes starting from their closets, leading to their school lockers, circling back to your minivan, and ending on the bathroom floor.

6. Speaking Of Underwear

Toddler – Potty training means plenty of stain stick and many o’ pair sacrificed to the garbage can.

Teen – Keep that stain stick handy, but add bleach to the list . . . to flush your eyes out after the horrors you will see.

7. Safetyville

Toddler – Cover all the outlets! Pad all the sharp edges! Gate all the stairs!

Teen – Invent a way to bubble wrap the world.

– Ellen and Erin

Top 4 Problems at the (Not-So-)Scary Mommy Book Signing (and a signed copy giveaway)

During my months of blog neglect, the blog post ideas have been building.  I may not be able to remember things like why I walked in the kitchen, that my sunglasses are on top of my head or that I can’t find my cell phone because I’m talking on it…but the ideas don’t seem to go away until I get them out on paper.  Well, actually out on keyboard.  So bear with me for a while as I get some posts published that should have been done months ago.

This post, for example, is from when I met Jill Smokler (a.k.a. Scary Mommy) in April. << Instructions at the end of the post on how to enter the giveaway for the signed copy of “Motherhood Comes Naturally (and Other Vicious Lies).” >> 

After my first book signing debacle with Momastery’s Glennon Melton, I was a little anxious about going to another one.  I really wanted to meet Jill Smokler though, so I did.

I arrived at the signing 15 minutes early.  But – you should know by now there is always a BUT – there were some “issues.”

Problem #1: “City” parking.  Everything near the building was street parking.

I live in Suburbia and drive a Suburban (stereotype pinnacle here) so parallel parking is a thing of the past for me!

I circled the block and found ONE open space.  A space that looked like it was designed for one of those Little Tykes kiddie cars.  For a brief (illogical) moment, I thought I could fit.  I pulled up next to the spot and fortunately came to my senses before I did any damage.

I kept circling the block getting more uptight about trying to fit my huge car into one of the compact spots until – BINGO – there was a spot right in front of the building.  And it was the END spot on the block so I could just pull right up.  No embarrassing pull up, turn the wheel, back up, realize you are 3 feet from the curb, pull up, turn the wheel, back up, realize you are 2 feet 11 inches from the curb…


By this point, I had 3 minutes to get in the building (Jill was speaking first and then signing so I did NOT want to walk in late.)

Problem #2: The parking meter.

I rarely carry cash and even less rarely carry coins (except for the 5 pounds of pennies that always seem to be in the bottom of my purse).  I would have gladly put 1,000 pennies in the meter, but no.  The snotty thing would only accept nickels, dimes and quarters.

Now I had 2 minutes to get in the building.

I dumped my purse on the floor of the passenger seat.  Nothing but pennies.  Not even ONE nickel.  I rummaged through the ashtray (again, mostly pennies) and found a few coins that I fed to the meter.

17 minutes on the meter.  Not enough.

I tore everything out of the console storage and flung it onto the passenger seat.  At the bottom I found 5 more pounds of pennies.  Plus enough change to give me an hour on the meter.

It looked like my car had been broken into, but I had an hour.  And 30 seconds to get in the building.

Problem #3: The chairs.

As soon as I sat down, I realized the chair I was in was terribly wobbly.  I had visions of it collapsing on the floor as Jill began her speech.  I sat motionless for a few minutes while listening to a group of ladies in front of me chatting away.  While I sat alone.  Sound familiar?

I finally moved over to escape the wobbly seat.  The second seat was just as wobbly.  I realized they must all be wobbly.  No one else had crashed down, so I convinced myself that I wouldn’t either.  Well, I mainly convinced myself.  Kind of.  Actually, not at all. I was still sure I was going down.

However, the vantage point of the new chair let me see WHO was chatting in front of me.  It was JILL!  I sat right behind her and didn’t even know it.  She was saying Hi to some high school friends before she began.

Jill was so down to earth and honest.  A heck of a wonderful lady!  I even felt comfortable enough to ask something during “question and answer” time.

I was able to chat with her for a bit while she signed my books but, of course there had to be one more problem.

Problem #4: I forgot to get someone to take my photo with her!

At least I took one photo of Jill while she was speaking.  But nothing else.

Jill Smokler Scary Mommy Book Signing

I decided that wasn’t acceptable.  I HAD to have a photo with Jill.

So now I do.

Jill Smokler REALLY Scary Mommy Book Signing

I really can’t say enough nice things about Jill.  She even commented on my blog recently.  Only because I threatened to take the Scary Mommy title from her, but the fact that she took the time to comment is pretty sweet.

I recently heard that Jill is going to be the keynote speaker at a new conference in our area this October so I will get to see her again!  I will make sure to get plenty of pictures!

P.S. In case you are wondering, I made it back to the car with 3 minutes to spare.

P.P.S. The unexpected perk of forgetting to get a photo with her?  Since I had to cut and paste myself into the photo, my unsteady hand on the mouse completely on purpose accidentally chopped off some of the junk in my trunk.  Easiest pounds I’ve ever (virtually) dropped.  If only it were that easy in real life.


THE GIVEAWAY! (Ends 8/15/13)

Ways to enter to win a signed copy of “Motherhood Comes Naturally (and Other Vicious Lies)” are:

(1) LIKE the Momopolize Facebook Page AND comment on the PINNED status.  (If you already like the page, just comment so I know you want to enter.)

(2) SHARE the Momopolize Facebook Page on Facebook.  You get an extra entry EVERY time you share.  Just make sure to tag Momopolize (or me) in the share so I will make sure to count it for you!

Guest Post Week: How To Take Two Toddlers to the Pool in 25 Easy Steps (From Meredith to Mommy)

From teens yesterday to toddlers today, my guest bloggers are giving such a great variety of posts this week!  Today I’d like to thank Meredith for letting me use such a hilarious post!  Since my youngest is almost 9, I’m past this stage…but the memories of taking a toddler to the pool will ALWAYS be there. 😉


Meredith is a former music teacher, mother of two young girls, and writer of the blog “From Meredith to Mommy.” Meredith writes about transitioning from her former life to a mother and wife, shares reflections about her journey, and anecdotes from her life with her two little girls; the sweet ones, the silly ones, and the tough ones.  Meredith can also be found on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

This was originally posted here.

How To Take Two Toddlers to the Pool in 25 Easy Steps

I’ve already alluded to the fact that this summer is going to be very different when it comes to the pool. Last year Reagan sat quietly in her bumbo under an umbrella. This summer she’s doing bar routines on railings and scaling chairs. Last summer Madison was afraid of the big pool. This summer she’s doing everything she can to let herself out of the baby pool and dash toward the big one. Not exactly restful.
Up until yesterday, I don’t think Adam really got that. Often he’ll finish a round of golf and send me a text telling me to bring the girls over after their nap so he can meet us there. So far this year he’s been surprised when it takes me over a half hour to drive the 5 minutes.
This weekend he got it.
Instead of eating lunch after he played golf, he came home so I could take some time to myself out of the house. The girls had taken earlier naps than usual, so they were just waking up. He told me he was going to take them over and I could join them later on.
Thus, Adam learned what it is really like to take two toddler girls to the pool.

1. Console older child who is crying because Mommy is supposed to the the one to go swimming with.
2. While consoling older child, realize younger child has woken up and is quickly moving from happy babbling in her crib to crying because no one is coming to get her.
3. Get younger child out of crib and console younger child with the leftover goldfish that older child dropped and convince them to watch the end of the Tinkerbell movie.
4. Now that two children are calm, grab bag that Super Awesome Mommy has packed and left out. Load it into car before Tinkerbell is over.
5. Remember that Super Awesome Mommy reminded you that the bathing suits are not in the bag yet. Remember that she said something about where they were, although you weren’t totally paying attention.
6. After an extensive search, find bathing suits.
7. Decide against dressing girls at home since Tinkerbell is over and they’re getting cranky.
8. Throw bathing suits in bag.
9. Load girls in the car.
10. On the road, tell the girls that it’s a 5 minute ride and it doesn’t matter that Daddy’s car doesn’t have the princess CD.
11. Arrive at pool. Take older child out of carseat first.
12. Realize older child has taken her shoes off and is crying while standing on the hot pavement. Pick her up.
13. Set younger child down to juggle older child and the bag more effectively. Younger child takes off across the parking lot.
14. Manage to get both children into the pool area.
15. Stop child one from going into the ladies’ changing room and lead them both toward the men’s room.
16. Pull out bathing suits. Realize that older child wears tankinis now, which have two pieces.
17. Amid much cursing, leave bag and put both children back in the car. Drive home.
18. Get tankini bottoms and drive back amid crying from older child that her cup is in the bag, which is still at the pool.
19. Bring children back into men’s room. Attempt to wrangle younger child into swim diaper and bathing suit while she attempts to run out the door.
20. Realize that while you were working on younger child, older child, confused by the layout of the men’s room, has peed all over the floor.
21. Wipe up pee and wrap up wet clothes.
22. Retrieve younger child as she escapes into pool area. Put her as far into the men’s room as possible to contain her as long as possible.
23. Wrangle older child into tankini with one hand, while holding younger child back with the other.
24. Realize that since the initial arrival at the pool, the snack bar has closed. Text wife asking her to bring underpants, a sundress, and snacks. And to hurry.
25. Bring girls to tiki bar for lemonade and (ahem) something stronger. Collapse in chair around baby pool…until you realize that one has escaped.

I don’t think he’ll be complaining that it takes me too long to get over there again.

Now head on over to From Meredith to Mommy for some more laughs!


Guest Post Week: It’s Swimsuit Season. Pass the Milk Duds (Laugh Lines)

I first discovered Vikki when we were both in “Parenting Gag Reel – Hilarious Writes and Wrongs” (That isn’t a shameless plug, that is really where I first read her writing.  Well, maybe it is a slightly shameless plug.).  I was so excited to get my grubby little hands on a book that had my writing in it that I sat down with the intention of reading the entire book in one sitting.  It is Vikki’s fault that I didn’t.  Because when I got to her first story in the book I immediately went to her blog (after I picked myself up from laying on the floor hysterically laughing) and spent the next few minutes hours days reading more of her writing.  The rest of the book had to wait until I had enough of my own “Laugh Lines” induced laugh lines.

I’m thrilled to introduce you to one of my favorite people….Heeeeeere’s Vikki!


Laugh LinesVikki is a humor blogger, author, public speaker, and former humor columnist. Vikki writes, in hilarious sit-com style, about middle age, modern marriage, and her epic fails. She unabashedly shares with us her most embarrassing moments and laughs as hard as we do, which is why we love her!

This was originally posted on Laugh Lines.  Vikki can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

It’s Swimsuit Season.  Pass the Milk Duds.

Enjoying the warmer temperatures and anticipating upcoming spring weather, I took a look at my all-black closet and decided to go do some spring shopping for a little color. My plans took a slight shift when Kenny announced he’d like to join me, but then I envisioned a few new purchases, with a stop for a glass of yummy red wine at whatever outdoor cafe (okay, bar) that we found along the way, so we hopped in the car and headed for Portland.

Scratching my original plans for a leisurely, day-long stroll through my favorite boutiques (Kenny’s shopping style is more “get in, buy it, get out”), we hit the mall. Lights, noises, food courts, and miles of brightly lit windows featuring hot colors, shorter lengths, and summer fabrics.

Found a store we liked, where I grabbed a few colorful pieces and a swimsuit, and happily headed for the dressing room, imagining my trendy summer style. 15 minutes later, the day was going south on a luge. The cute pink jeans wouldn’t budge past my thighs. Seriously?? I peeled them off and checked the size. Yep, size 8. Apparently that refers to my knees, not my hips, because those suckers weren’t going all the way up in this lifetime. Tossed them over the swinging door in a disgusted heap and grabbed the shorts (yeah, THERE’S a good idea. If the jeans don’t fit, try the shorts). Hopped up and down trying to heave-HO them up far enough to button the waist until I finally squeezed the snap shut. Oh. My. God. I looked like a giant banana-nut muffin. And when did my thighs start jiggling?? They didn’t jiggle last year. But there they were, in all their white, tanless glory, shaking like jello shots to the beat of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun blaring over the loudspeaker, which wouldn’t have been so depressing if I hadn’t been STANDING STILL.

I looked up to see Kenny poke his head over the door, smiling, “I found a few pair of jeans for myself while I was waiting.” “Did you try them on?” I asked. “Don’t need to. They’re a 36. They’ll be fine.” “Hating you just a little bit right now.”

In my final act of desperation, I grabbed the swimsuit (one-piece, skirted bottom, very 40s pin-up retro, and black. Could work). Size 8-10? Yeah, if you live in Taiwan and your fit model is a 12-year-old BOY. I looked like a weiner dog stuffed into a tube top, with skin squishing out at both ends. By now I’m in tears, and Kenny is calling through the door, “Is there anything I can get for you, sweetie?” A hankie, I sniffled. And a gun. Meanwhile, the 14-year-old anorexic salesgirl, with impossibly long, firm legs, chirps out, “Don’t worry, ma’am,” (ma’am??) “It’s not summer yet. You still have time.” To do what?? Lose the same 10 pounds I’ve been working on since 1974? Oh shut up and go eat a cheeseburger.

We bought Kenny’s new jeans and left my new clothes, along with the last shred of my self-esteem, on the dressing room floor. On our way to the winery, Kenny suggested a quick stop at Safeway for a few essentials. At day’s end, you’ve got to love a man who watches you toss Milk Duds, Hot Tamales, Fig Newtons, Ice Cream Sandwiches, Lucky Charms, and half a dozen bottles of wine (10% off with 6!) into the cart, while wailing the entire time about how hard it is to lose weight, and who has the good grace (and natural survival skills) not to say a word.

(Now head over to Laugh Lines for some more laughs!!)

Guest Post Week: Summer At The Public Pool (A Fly On Our Chicken Coop Wall)

Today begins a week+ of Guest Blogger Posts! (It was going to start Monday, but you get a bonus.  I was too excited to wait.)  Appropriately, I am kicking off the week with a wonderful blogger who (luckily for me) found my blog shortly after I began writing.  She was one of my first regular commenters.  I didn’t know enough at the time to hover over her name in the comments she left to see her contact and blog information.  I saw the name “Christine” and assumed it was a Christine I know in real life.  I did a little happy dance when I figured out it was actually someone I did NOT know that was reading my blog (and therefore hadn’t been GUILTED into it!).  I did an even bigger happy dance when I realized how awesome her blog is.  I’ve been a loyal follower ever since, so am just thrilled to have Christine posting here.  I’m sure after you read this post, you will want to head over to her blog to become a loyal follower as well.  Just tell her I sent you!

And now…in this corner…reigning light weight pig wrastlin’ champion (you have to read the pig stories on her blog!)…CHRISTINE!

My PhotoChristine is a woman who refuses to make solid plans in her life, but does whatever comes her way.  As a result, she’s taught just about every grade, decorated cakes, owned a photography business, given birth to six children, and bought a 140 year old house that happened to come with a small farm.  She is fortunate to have married a man who is responsible and sets goals so she doesn’t have to.   You will often find her either driving their 12-passenger van around town or disposing of the dead animals that frequently litter her property.  She writes about all of her family’s shenanigans at A Fly On Our (Chicken Coop) Wall and can also be found on Facebook.

Summer at the Public Pool

We are not fortunate enough to have a pool of our own.  My sister has a pool, but she lives in Kentucky and is of no help.  So, to beat the heat, we are relegated to the public pool.  If you’ve never been to a public pool, think Wal-Mart without the coverage pajama pants affords.

Stasha’s Listicle topic this week is “summer”.  I shall give you…

10 Things You Will See at the Public Pool in the Summer

1.  Rude people who say rude things to complete strangers.  Cuckoo and I were having a lovely time playing in the big pool, he jumping in to me, when a young woman looked directly at me and said, “Are you the mom or the grandma?”   And it hurt, Man!*  (For those of you who heard about this on Saturday, I’m over it now.  I’ll never mention it again.  I would have been over it sooner, but my dear husband won’t stop laughing and telling everyone he sees about it.)

2.  Tattoos.  Going to the public pool is a lot like going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  Everywhere you turn, there’s an artist’s rendering of some object, event, or person.  In both places, you see original work depicting important events in a person’s life.  Sure, in the museum, artists use mediums like pastels, paint, charcoal, and watercolor on everything from canvas to wood to metal, while at the pool, artists are limited to ink on skin, but that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate a good image of Jesus at either place.  (No joke, I actually saw the face of Jesus taking up the entire calf of a woman at the pool. (Don’t ask why it was on her calf.  I was too afraid didn’t get a chance to ask her.)*******

3.  Lifeguards.  They ain’t what they used to be.  First off, now they all have to train with The Hoff.  Red is the new mandatory swim suit color, and every one must carry the big, red floating devices.  They never sit for more than 15 minutes before they are up and walking to another station.  These folks are focused, which means they catch all sorts of children behaving in ways they shouldn’t.  Every 11 seconds, another whistle tweets, and children freeze, wondering if it was they who did something wrong.  Of course, it wasn’t.  The kids running/hanging on the lane line/diving/sliding down the slide head first/wearing unapproved flotation devices are having too much fun to hear the whistles blowing.

4.  Skin.  Lots and lots of skin.  Bathing suits have become smaller and smaller as people have become bigger and bigger.  I tell you what, I’d almost rather they all just go naked.  At least then I could look away instead of constantly watching and wondering just how long that itty, bitty string is going to hold in that great, big boob.

5.  Disgustingly wet floors in the bathroom.  Is it water?  Is it pee?  Does it matter?  It’s all a nasty, cold, slippery germ locker that beckons to my child all day long.  I swear, Cuckoo goes to the bathroom maybe five times on a normal day.  At the pool, he must go at least five times in two hours.  I’m almost to the point of teaching him to put the P in the ool.  As I’ve heard many women who have used the facilities then failed to wash their hands say, “The chlorine will kill the germs.”

6.  Teen boys doing cannonballs to impress the girls.  Nothing says, “You’re cute,” like a great, big, flood of water being thrown on you.  It usually works, as long as the boy comes up for air with the always adorable, only-the-young-can-do-it-without-throwing-his-back-out head toss.

7.  Bad parenting.  If I had a dollar for every parent I’ve seen screaming to his child from the side of the pool to, “Get out!  Come here!  No, give that back to him!  It’s not yours!  Come here!  No, give it to him!  The whistle blew!  It’s break time!  Give it back!  Get out!  We’ll go home!  Do you want to go home?!  It’s his!  Look, the lifeguard is getting mad!  We are going home as soon as you get out of that pool!  How about a snack!  Do you want a snack?”  I would be able to put my own blasted pool in my own back yard.

8.  Piercings.  In every orifice, current or past, and in some places that have never been orifices to begin with.  Ears?  Of course.  Nose?  Yup.  Tongue?  Why not?  Belly button?  Oh, are there ever.  It must be the new thing.  Not only do females get their belly buttons pierced, they do them up!  Honestly, when we went to the pool last week, I saw no less than 10 chandeliers hanging off of people’s midsections.  Oh, and the “never been an orifice”?  Yeah, a woman had two silver studs coming out of her lower back, about 3 inches above her bikini line.  “Why?” wasn’t my first question.  My first thought was, “HOW???? Are they connected under the skin?  What’s holding them in?  Are your kidneys OK with this?”  Baffling, I tell you.  Baffling.

9.  Water slides and high dives and dumping buckets of water.  Basically, everything your kid wants to do, but only if you do it with him.  Now, I’ve done all of these things, and I’m not afraid of no high dive.  However, I am afraid of catching my child who wants to go off.  Those couple of seconds before the child surfaces are horrifyingly long.  I’m not opposed to going down the ginormous water slide.  I am opposed to going down the slide while holding one of my children.  With the added weight, we tend to fly higher up the sides in the turns, which flips us all around and upside down, so I am a panicky mess trying to right us before we hit the water in a jumble while keeping said child’s head above water.  I always walk away from that thing with bumps and bruises and scratches all over my body.  As for the buckets of water, I don’t have to go under those.  I do, though, have to console the youngest boy when the bucket dumps on his head unexpectedly, and he flips out, slips, and lands on his head.

10.  Children with ill-fitting suits.   There is always that one kid who has the new suit.  The suit that fit in the store, but once in the water, falls down with every pop out of the water.  You see the poor kid struggle each time he surfaces to pull the suit back up over his crack.  And then one time he turns around, and you see his suit has gotten so low, it is thiiiiis close to showing everyone in the place all that God gave him.   Poor kid.  And his poor mom.  All she wanted was to get him the cool suit with the beloved character on it.  Sure, it didn’t have a string to tie it tighter, but it seemed snug enough.  It fit in the store!!!  When the mom sees this suit malfunction, she has flashbacks to when her oldest child took swimming lessons at the same age as this child.   During the swim test, he had to do 10 bobs.  He was facing away from the parents and towards the instructors.  Each time he came up, the parents were shown his nice, bright, white tush.  From the looks and laughs of the instructors, they were getting to see plenty of jiggle on their side.  Did anyone stop him?  No.  He merrily went along, bob down, pop up, pull up the suit, bob down, pop up, pull up the suit…as the entire place rolled with laughter.   The mom quickly snaps back to the present and the suit issue unfolding before her.  She can’t force her entire brood to go home simply because of this one child’s bathing suit, so she does the next best thing.  She follows him around everywhere he goes, yanking his suit up each time he surfaces.

OK, maybe you won’t see #10 unless you go to the public pool where I go.  That would be my kid.  And yes, the story of the boy taking swim lessons was Phoenix when he was 4 years old.  It seems we fit right in at the public pool after all.

*If you have never watched “Kid President”, do so now.  This quote is from “A Pep Talk.”   

 *******  Good grief.  I found out why the woman had it on her calf.  On a whim, I googled “tattoo of Jesus on calf” to see if I could find a picture of one.  Guess what came up?  Justin Flippin’ Beiber.  He has a tattoo of Jesus on his calf.  Asked and answered.  And gag me with a tattoo needle.

This was originally posted here.  Head over and check out some of her other great posts!

When Pampering Meets Horror Movie

I declared an “official” sick day for myself, and made a big deal about needing to rest ALL day so I wouldn’t be too sick to enjoy our upcoming vacation.

Since I was going to be in bed all day anyway, I decided to multitask (because Mom’s can’t JUST lay in bed, right?) and take on a little battle of the wrinkles.

Rather than do something intelligent like an actual facial mask, I grabbed my Oil Of Olay cream off my nightstand and slathered a really thick layer all over my face.

(Theory being that if a little reduces wrinkles, a LOT would make my face as smooth as a baby’s butt.  Made sense at the time…)

Apparently it was thick enough under my eyes that every time I would blink, a miniscule bit would attach to my bottom eyelashes.  Each blink added a bit more until it was enough to attach itself to my upper lashes and work it’s way down into my eyes.

There was instant burning and tears streaming down my face, mixing with yesterday’s leftover mascara.

Cue Greg’s entry into my room.

He wanted to make sure I was feeling ok.  (All together now…Awwwwwww, how sweet!)

He took one look at me groaning about the stinging while black tears ran across my ghostly white face and yelled “MOM!  What’s wrong with you????  Are you ok??????????”

All I could do is laugh, while he looked on in horror.

I thought I just looked like this…

Photo: e-infopages
Photo: e-infopages

But judging from his reaction, I must have looked more like this…

Zombie photo

Move over Jill Smokler.  There’s a NEW Scary Mommy in town.

P.S. My crow’s feet are just crow’s toes now.

P.P.S.  At least the day of rest made me FEEL like less of a zombie.

P.P.P.S.  Want to make yourself into a Zombie?  There’s an app for that.  (Just ask any teenager how.)

P.P.P.P.S A decision I made that was much more logical than putting an inch of lotion on my face was asking my fantastic blogger friends to participate in “Guest Post Week.”  They responded in droves to help me out!  I’m so excited to be introducing you to posts written by some of these lovely ladies during the next week.

Facebook Funnies. At the Hop.

My response to Jake whacking Eric with a banana…

“Stop that!  You’re going to bruise the banana!”

I will make sure to add that story to my Mother of the Year acceptance speech.

Eric wanted me to listen to his favorite song, Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. I thought I’d never heard of it,  but when it started playing I knew the song immediately. I’ve sung along many times as it played on the radio but instead of singing “Radioactive,” I thought the lyrics were “Ready to Whack You.”

It never occurred to me how ridiculous that was until I saw the expression on Eric’s face when I told him.


(I should have sung along using MY lyrics while Jake hit Eric with the banana.)

For more funnies, make sure to like my facebook page, as well as checking out the other pages linked up below!  (I’m co-hosting the FacebookLove Hop every Thursday in July.)


Welcome to the new FacebookLove blog hop!

Here are the rules:

  1. Linkup your Blog’s Facebook page URL.
  2. LIKE‘ your host and co-hosts pages.
  3. Return the likes of other participants.
  4. Grab a Hop Button below and place it on your sidebar so others can join in.
Mommy Mentionables
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Mommy Mentionables"><img src="" alt="Mommy Mentionables" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Some Things to NOTE:

  • Like other FB pages from your PERSONAL profile. This important since Facebook does NOT count likes if you like a page from your PAGES.
  • We highly encourage you to return the like of everyone who has liked your page.
  • We recommend when liking a page, to please leave a comment on their page or send them a message that you are LIKING them from the FacebookLove Hop so you’re LIKE is not overlooked.
  • After the Hop, check your Facebook SPAM content – Go to Edit Page, Activity Log and Spam which is over on the left sidebar. Facebook is known to SPAM comments or messages from others if multiple comments or messages are sent in a short period of time.

Don’t forget to Tweet & Pin this Hop!

Now on to the Hop!

FIRST Meet and ‘LIKE’ your Host and Co-hosts!

Mommy Mentionables (Host)

Momopolize (Co-Host)

momopolize button 125x125
Momopolize (Co-Host)

Featured On the Erma Bombeck Writer’s Workshop Website. Life. Complete.

You read that right.  I have a post featured on the Erma Bombeck Writer’s Workshop site!

For those of you who know how much I idolize Erma, you know this is just…just…I have no words.

Click here or the photo below to see the post.  I don’t care if you read it or not (ok, yeah I do.) but just go look.  Go see MY face right next to a video of ERMA.  When you click play, she is talking to ME.

What?  It is SO possible.  Haven’t you ever seen Long Island medium??

Just go watch.  She is staring RIGHT AT ME while she talks.  You’ll see.

Erma Bombeck featured post

(I accept your apology and won’t say “I told you so.”)

I LOVE that in the video, she tells of a writing class she took and was feeling much doubt about being able to do it.  Her instructor said 3 words to her after he read her class project that stuck with her and inspired her for the rest of her career.  “You. Can. Write.”

When I first started blogging, there was a writing challenge called “Stylish Imitation.”  The whole “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” concept.  The tribute I wrote, “Bombecked: Beyond Wit’s End” tells why I admire Erma with a feeble attempt to copy her UNcopyable style by telling imperfect stories about my family (the stories ARE pretty funny, even if they don’t sound like Erma.  So you should go read it.).

Erma was the original Imperfect Mom and shared that with the world, perfectly.  And hysterically.

“If you can’t make it better, you can laugh at it.” ~Erma Bombeck

I could quote her all day.  But then you wouldn’t go see my posts.

“If you can’t make it better, you can drink a lot.” ~Angela McKeown

P.S. A huge thank you to my blogging friend Vikki at Laugh Lines for making this possible.  I think Vikki has Erma’s spirit at the keyboard with her.  I have many, many new laugh lines from reading her posts.  Since you’ve already got your reading glasses on (and you know you do), you should go read her blog also.)

“Summer Camp That Teaches Kids To Do Chores”

Every year I’m determined to get the boys to do chores without me constantly hounding them.  Every year I fail.

Today’s struggles reminded me of a text conversation last year (since it was a pre-iPhone text, I don’t have a pretty little screen shot)…

2:16pm Me: You still need to change the litter pans and mow.

<no response>

2:28pm Me: We are out of litter so Dad is bringing some on his way home from work.  Go ahead and start mowing to get that off your list.

<no response>

2:46pm Me: Do you want Chipotle?

2:46pm Jimmy:  Yes.

2:47pm Me: Oh, well we aren’t going to Chipotle.  I just wanted to make sure you were receiving the other texts from me.

Jimmy didn’t find that trick as funny as I did.  Weird.

Over the years I’ve made about 547 chore charts.  Ones with cute little photos when they were too young to read.  Ones with bright, cheery fonts.  Ones with blatant bribes.  Ones so detailed and well thought out that Super Nanny would hug me and exclaim “You don’t need me!”

But none of them worked. chore chart

This year they got illegible scribbling on a plain piece of paper.  (Eric accused me of spelling laundry wrong, but I assured him my spelling is fine…it is just my penmanship that is not.)

Some of the elaborate charts of years past took hours to create.  This one took seconds.

This one is just as effective ineffective as the others.

They obviously didn’t see the “Without NAGGING!” part.

Jimmy won’t fall for the Chipotle trickery any more (I’ve tried), so after a day of frustration I resorted to outright annoyance.

Scoop the pans now

It finally worked.  Anyone know how to set up texts to automatically send in a continuous loop daily??

Oh, I will save you the time of trying to find the camp I mentioned in the title…

Summer Camp That Teaches Kids To Do Chores

There really should be a Chore Boot Camp.  Someone’s missing out on a goldmine idea I tell ya’.

I did get an idea from Google though.  This one just may work.

Do your chores for the wifi password

P.S. You may have noticed my text is sent to “Dragon.”  About a year ago, I kept accidentally sending Jim’s texts to Jimmy and vice versa.  I told Jimmy I needed to change his name in my contacts so their names weren’t so similar.  He said change it to Dragon.  I don’t even find it odd anymore…until I see it in a post…