Tag Archives: introduction

Bloggus Inauguralis

I’ve been what I call a Facebook journalist.  This means I document my life through status updates.  It’s my way of sharing the humorous – and not so humorous – moments with my friends while also being an outlet for my joy of writing.  Some of my friends have suggested that I write more by starting a blog.  Recently I told myself if one more person told me to blog, I would.  I had a few people after then say they enjoyed my Facebook updates or that they thought I had a way with words.  I even received the best compliment ever of being referred to as the next Erma Bombeck.  However, since I didn’t hear the “B” (blog) word, I was off the hook.  But then it happened – in writing on Facebook nonetheless – so I couldn’t deny it.  “You should start a blog.” The words echoed in my head as I read the comment.  So I will join the 172 million other bloggers in our quest to satisfy the need to write while secretly hoping for that elusive book deal to happen.

I realized I don’t know the first thing about starting a blog.  I knew I wanted something easy to use so I won’t spend hours obsessing about my posts.  But now what?  Most of my writing up until this point has been regurgitating funny things my kids say or do – in 420 characters or less.  Will I be able to write longer pieces on topics I have to create?  Facebook journalist seems much simpler than blogger right now.

I admit I’ve never been much of a blog follower.  I have a few that I read sporadically, usually only because I see the link in my Facebook newsfeed.  Is it presumptuous to think my writing is interesting enough to attract followers?  Indeed it is.  But here I go anyway.  Speaking of followers, I don’t even know how to get people to find a new blog.  Oh, so much to learn.

I think my big attraction with Facebook is the “like” button.  I get pathetically excited when a status gets a large number of people to push that silly button.  “Yeah baby, 57 people liked this status.  Woohoo!”  But wait, I have 582 friends.  So less than 10% of my friends clicked to express their enjoyment.  Hmmmm, that doesn’t sound like much to celebrate when you think about it that way.  But I do.  I celebrate every single “like.”

There is another advantage to Facebook.  Everyone viewing what I wrote is – at least in theory – a friend and therefore most likely will not insult my writing.  On a blog, I open myself up to criticism from strangers, some of whom take much pleasure in dishing out that negativity.  My spelling may be corrected, my grammar may be questioned and my thoughts may be picked apart.  Am I thick skinned enough for this?  Probably not.  But with the negative, there is that minuscule chance at my 15 minutes of fame.  Who needs a 1 in a million shot at something?  I like a challenge so why not go for the 1 in 172 million.  Maybe I’ll go buy a lottery ticket also while I’m at it.

At minimum, I will enjoy a place to write.  And the other 90% of my Facebook friends will probably be relieved to see fewer status updates from me.

Looks like writing more than 420 characters won’t be a problem.

Hope you enjoy.  Be nice.  It won’t be perfect.  It may not even be good.  But it’s mine.  And writing makes me smile.  With or without the “like” button.
