Tag Archives: Royalties


Me: OMG!   The Bloggess just followed me on Twitter!  Not a fan page thingy.  THE Bloggess.

Jimmy: Really?? (We had a conversation about her earlier so he was genuinely slightly impressed.)

Me:  Yes, thanks to your photos with Bob.  I will pay you royalties.

Jimmy:  And out of spite, I will spend it ALL on earrings.

…Yes, there is still tension in this house.  But royalties on zero dollars is zero dollars so at least I don’t have to worry about any new earrings.

And I TOLD YOU I’m related to the Bloggess now.  So HA!


UPDATE: Conversation after Greg and Eric heard me say the Bloggess followed me…

Greg:  So you are finally famous now?

Me:  Yes, I’m finally famous after 2 whole months of blogging.  You want my autograph?

Greg: No.

Eric:  I want your autograph.

Me:  You do?

Eric:  Yes, I need lunch money.  So can you put your autograph on a check?

It’s tough being famous…

(Insert much sarcasm here.  I don’t actually think my 12 followers constitutes being famous.  Ok, a few more than 12. But not famous.  Far from famous. Infamous maybe.).