Since I seem to be unable to get a new blog post written, I will at least post snippets from my Facebook newsfeed this past week. Join us at for even more fun!
After the (not-so-new) newsfeed posts is also info about Bloglovin’ and a book I’m in!
For parents (like me) who are having snow during the kids’ spring break, here is a simple solution. You’re welcome. Really, it’s snow problem at all.
At a wrestling tournament yesterday, Jimmy came up and sat next to me on the bleachers and…
Jimmy: Mom, thanks for not being an asshole parent. I just heard a Dad yelling at his son as he came off the mat ‘What the hell were you doing out there??? I didn’t drive an hour and waste my day to watch you SUCK.’ ”
Me: Why do you think I bring you to these tournaments? It has nothing to do with wrestling. It’s all about making me look like an awesome parent in comparison.
That conversation made the 12 hour day totally worth it.
Me: Eric asked if we can buy more girl scout cookies. Can you pick up Samoa?
Jim: Sure. I’ll see if Eric wants to Tag-a-long.
‘Cause we are just THAT cool.
That awkward moment when you enter a public restroom stall with the toilet seat up and you wonder…was the bathroom just cleaned or am I in the men’s room??
A lady sitting near me was endlessly gossiping to a friend.
Me (whispering to Jim): “Geesh, she is such a busy-body.”
Said while eavesdropping.
Pot. Kettle.
When I picked up Eric after school, he was grinning from ear to ear and holding up his much anticipated recorder he received today during music class.
My out-loud voice: Woohoo!!! I can’t wait to hear you play it when we get home!
My inner voice: For the next month I get to hear the sound of a duck that just got his wing yanked off. Woo. Hoo.
Everyone please stop posting about spring cleaning. The guilt is making me take desperate measures. Like watching Hoarders.
Actually, for me it is more like…
“Wow honey, the house is so clean!” said my husband. Never.
Maybe he should talk to Verizon to schedule daily outages.
I think Jimmy has forgotten that I can see his Twitter account. He tweeted, “I will never get over just how awesome some parents are and just how boring mine are.”
Oh, the love.
Speaking of, you can show me some lovin’ by following me on Bloglovin’! It is a way to keep track of all the blogs you read in one handy-dandy list. For the blogs you follow, there is a list of all unread posts, similar to a newsfeed. Below is a screen shot to show you what it’s like (and as an added bonus, you can see some of the awesome blogs I’m following. I highly recommend you check them out also!). Click the cute little Bloglovin’ button on my sidebar to the right or follow me here.
<— Buy this book April 2. Why? Because I’m in it!
No, that’s not an April Fool’s joke. I’m really in it. Shocking, right?
It is the 4th book in the Life Well Blogged series. The first 3 made it to the top 10 best sellers on Amazon for Parenting books. Will you help this one get to #1??
I will post the link once it is up on Amazon and will have some copies to offer as giveaways too!
Congratulations on being in the book. I loved the easter egg idea! Priceless!
Thanks Julie! My kids are so bored I would actually be willing to spray paint the eggs today…or even just take some right out of the carton to hide. LOL Unfortunately our snow melted but it is still too cold to do anything outside. Making for a looonng spring break!
You two and your cookie humor. You were made for each other.
Your family quips cracked me up, as always.
Congrats on the book!
We take our Girl Scout Cookies very seriously in this house.
Shared the Easter snow pic on my FB page, loved it! Awesome on the book!
Thanks for sharing!! Sharing is my favorite!
Thanks for the sweet comment! The winter weather has made for a long week for the kids (oh, who am I kidding. It’s been a long week for ME!!!).
writing is not a easy thing to do, it takes creativity and good sense, and you’ve got it!