You can buy me on Amazon! Well, not ME…but something I wrote!

Life Well Blogged book cover Parenting Gag ReelI’m in a book.  A real, live book.  Well, not live.  Unless you count that the paper used to be a tree.  But the paperback version isn’t out yet, so I guess I can’t really say that yet…

I’m so excited to announce that the Kindle version was released today and the paperback version should be released very soon (then I can call it a “live” book, I suppose).

The Kindle version is less than a trip to Starbucks ($2.99) so go. Download it.  Read it.  Laugh.  Grab some tissues.  Laugh some more.  And then write a (hopefully glowing) REVIEW of it (reviews are really, really helpful for the book’s success!).

Click here to buy —–> Parenting Gag Reel – Hilarious Writes and Wrongs: Take 26 on Amazon!  My stories are in chapters 1 and 6.

I tend to down play when something good happens to me.  I am much more comfortable talking about my screw-ups than my successes.  But I will admit I’m doing the happy dance about this.  It is quite an honor to be in the company of some of the other fabulous writers that are included in this book.  Bloggers that I have read and admired.  Blogs like…

Life on the Sonny Side



Laugh Lines

My Life As Lucille

and Janine Huldie

And I’m. in. the. same. book. as. them! (Sorry for the mid-sentence periods, Christine😉 )

I know the other 33 contributors are fabulous as well.  I just hadn’t been fortunate enough to discover their blogs until now!

Blogging is very difficult at times.  You pour your heart and soul out for a miniscule amount feedback.  It’s just the nature of the game.  Usually you are just crossing your fingers and HOPING that someone likes what you posted, but never knowing for sure.

The joke in my house is that I hit publish and then say, “Wait for it.  Wait for it…crickets…”

Then comes Life Well Blogged.  Having someone say, “Not only do we like what you wrote, we like it enough to publish it,” is pretty darn reassuring.

I would write more about just HOW awesome it feels but I don’t want to be late for the release day book signing.

No, not MY book signing.  I will be standing in line to get a book signed.  Not behind the table getting writer’s cramp from scribbling my name.  But I can pretend. 

(I’ve never been to a book signing, so I’m pretty excited to see Glennon from Momastery…but will write more about that later…)

Thank you to everyone that has supported me since I started Momopolize last August.  I never imagined anyone other than (some of) my Facebook friends would want to read my blog.  It has been a wonderful ride so far and I couldn’t do it without you.  Well, I could…but it would be called a journal instead of a blog.

Now stop reading this and go to Amazon!  Please!  🙂

15 thoughts on “You can buy me on Amazon! Well, not ME…but something I wrote!”

  1. Angela, I’ve been meaning to comment many times – CONGRATULATIONS! I am very excited for you – what an accomplishment!

  2. Way to go, girrrrrrl! And then one thing leads to another, and you are being mobbed outside of Walmart. JK, but you ARE on your way… Congrats again. 🙂

  3. I’m so excited to have found you or you found me, I’m not sure? anyways… Congrats on the book!! I look forward to reading it as soon as it arrives!! ~Lisa

    1. Thanks for the share Vikki! It is pretty exciting to see our writing on Amazon, huh? I really love your stories in the book. Your “Put some clothes on Mom” was my favorite story in the book! I laughed soooo hard!

  4. Yay you! I am so excited for you!, I was getting your URL (I never get it right!) and saw this post! The reason I was getting your URL so I could further cite your inspirational post that started me treading the writing-about-adoption waters. (I think we started blogging around the same time). Have fun at the event tonight! (I’ve been a few, and I always want to take the authors home in my knapsack). A toast to you!

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words! I need to get caught up on your adoption posts on your blog! I’ve been trying to get all of the blogs I follow over to Bloglovin’ but while I’m in the process, I’m missing a lot!

  5. You’re so sweet! Thank you for including me on your short list! I’m incredibly flattered!

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