I grew up with a peach orchard right behind my house. I first typed “literally in my back yard” but I knew you would think I was misusing/overusing the word literally – a peeve of many. Technically it was behind my back yard. But it really WAS literally my house, my yard and then acres and acres (and acres) of peach trees.
My Mom would never let us have any before the crops were picked. She made it very clear that would be stealing, even with my endless begging of “they won’t miss just ONE.”
Waiting was torture…but the day the crews came through was my favorite day of the year (well, top 10). When they left, we’d go gather the rejects. The smallest blemish would cause a peach to be rejected so there were tons discarded on the ground.
They were “stand over the sink” peaches. So juicy, you had to eat them while standing at the kitchen sink to avoid coating the kitchen table and floor in a sticky, wet mess. Mom would also put them in pretty much anything that could possibly contain a peach. She canned them, made pies, cobblers and preserves.
The day they plowed down the orchard to build a housing development was a very sad day indeed. I have always missed those trees.
Each peach season I scour every farmer’s market stand I drive by looking for peaches that live up to the perfect-peaches-from-my-back-yard standard. It’s a rarity to find one that does.
Last year I planted 2 trees and guess what? Peaches are actually growing! Even with my black thumb that kills all that is green.
I now have a peach orchard LITERALLY in my back yard. Yes, it counts as an orchard in my book.
And I don’t have to wait for the rejects. That is just peachy.
Somehow home grown fruit does taste that much better. Mmm you made me crave a juicy peach now
So true! Some of the farmer’s markets have good peaches, but I hate that it is always so hit or miss. I wish there was a way to extend the peach season. It always seems like such a long wait and then it is over so soon! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Not only were the peaches good, but it was also a wonderful playground! Your post brought back so many fond memories of summers in Berryville!
That orchard was the best! Especially when Chris had the old army jeep. Nothing better than riding through the trees in that…except the time he got stuck on a tree stump and almost flung me out of the back. LOL
That’s just insane…ploughing down a whole orchard! *sigh*
It was so sad. My Mom put up a tall fence and planted trees to try to block the view of the subdivision that took the orchard’s place, but it was never the same!
Somehow, an orchard always makes life tolerable.
Very true! Even my measly 2 trees are giving me a lot of enjoyment. It is fun checking on the peaches every day.
Fun read. I missed those trees also. Thanks!
That orchard provided so many hours of fun! Glad you enjoyed the post!
Love it! How are you going to determine which person is your bestest friend and gets to eat a peach with you, hmmmm?
I accept bribes.
Makes me think of that song peaches by the band presidents of the united states of america lol
Haha! I must admit I wasn’t familiar with that song so listened to it on youtube. Now it is stuck in my head! “If I had my little way, I’d eat peaches every day.”
Haha yeah its a very catchy song. I also like the video for it with the 3 guys fighting the ninja lol
My son loves Farmer’s Market peaches. He can’t wait to eat them, either. I have a picture of him sitting in the roped-off parking lot of the Farmer’s Market, gobbling a peach while watching the world around him.
Hi Shay, I do love certain farmer’s market peaches too. Some require a few days in a paper bag to get soft and juicy, but they are usually pretty darn good! I bet that’s an adorable pic!
There is nothing like a freshly-picked peach. When we moved in, there were 2 peach trees. We got enough to can 6 jars one year, then something hit and both trees died. We have also planted a couple new ones and should have peaches again. Oh, I hope there’s enough to can!
Hope you have a good peach crop! I tried a bunch of times yesterday to comment on your blog from my phone but it wouldn’t go through (or maybe it DID and you now have a dozen comments from me..). I’m soooo sorry you’ve had such an awful week. Yet somehow you kept your humor in your writing! I will go try to comment again now that I’m finally on my computer but wanted you to know I’ve been thinking about you!!!
My great grandma had an unnaturally huge peach tree that hung over the back of her house. I would climb up and eat peaches till I got sick. They were huge. Like softballs or I was 4. Either way I remember the sweetness
Cookie! So good to hear from you. Sounds like the perfect tree! Laughing about the “softballs or I was 4” part of the comment. TOo funny!
Oh. My. Goodness! PLOWED UNDER???!!! There would have been years of mourning here. Years. I can almost manage to raise apples here in the frozen north. Last year was a great year. This year . . . not so good. But you are so right. Nothing tastes as good as fruit (or vegetables) fresh off the vine. Mmmm.