Crying Uncle. Waving the white flag. Throwing in the towel!
As I sit here in bed alternating between shivering and sweating, with my whole body aching, I’ve reached the point that I hate to get to. The point where I’m asking for HELP.
We are leaving for a much, much, much needed vacation soon and I am sick. Sicker than normal I should say. If I am too sick to enjoy my vacation, you will need to find a padded room for me somewhere.
In addition to being a tough year health-wise, it has also been tough financially. Well, I guess the two are related since it is my health issues that drain our bank account! We usually take a trip to the beach every summer but this year we weren’t going to go anywhere. But my health was bringing me to my breaking point and I realized I HAD to find somehow to get away. So we maxed out the credit card for a more local trip to a lake. I. need. this. trip. bad. ly. Actually, I need to not be sick on this trip. Badly.
(For any would be burglars reading this, let me save you the effort. There is nothing in our house worth stealing. Really, nothing. And The Rock is housesitting for us anyway. Well, maybe his name is Theodore Rockefeller. But I’m SURE he’s as strong as The Rock. So there.)
I’ve been putting pressure on myself recently over some (random) goals that I set for myself to meet by my first anniversary of my blog (which is next month). I’ve ignored my blog for months and now I’ve suddenly decided to panic and try to play “catch up” at the 11th hour in order to reach these goals (yeah, not the brightest idea).
So, I’m giving myself permission to “officially” ignore writing (instead of UNofficially ignoring it like I’ve been doing for months) so I can get out of bed and get in the lake.
To help reduce the guilt of “blog neglect,” I’m calling on all my wonderful blogging friends for GUEST BLOG POST submissions! This will allow all of my readers to be introduced to some wonderful writers and will allow me to hold out (a glimmer of) hope of reaching my goals by next month.
If you have a post (new or old is fine!) that would be a good fit for my audience (personal blogs only, not companies), please send it to I will give credit where credit is due, including linking to your website (because I’m sure everyone will enjoy your post so much they will want to keep reading more!). PG-13 please – my kids read my blog sometimes.
You can also lend me a hand and help me reach one of my goals by liking my Facebook Page and linking up below for the Facebook Love Hop that I’m co-hosting for the rest of July.
Now on to the hop…
Here are the rules for the Facebook Hop:
- Linkup your Blog’s Facebook page URL.
- ‘LIKE‘ your host and co-hosts pages.
- Return the likes of other participants.
- Make sure to like from your PERSONAL FB Account since FB doesn’t “count” likes from other pages.
- After the Hop, check your Facebook SPAM content – Go to Edit Page, Activity Log and Spam which is over on the left sidebar.
FIRST MEET and ‘LIKE’ your Host and CO-HOSTs! Then click the little blue froggy guy below to add your link!
I’m a new follower via bloglovin. Found you through the FBLove hop (thanks for co-hosting). Sorry to hear that you’re sick. I’m sick right now too, and it really sucks. I’m not going on a vacation, though. I hope you feel better for your vacay.
Awww, you had me on guest posting until you said “PG 13” I’ll have to double check, but I don’t know if I have one of those. Maybe. Hopefully.