Category Archives: Happiness

What Would One Wear To Lunch With Melissa Gorga??

Because I need to know!!!voli housewife winner

Thanks to everyone who voted, I am NYC bound on January 3 and will be having lunch with Melissa Gorga on January 4!!!  I am so thrilled!!!  Thank you, thank you!  More details soon but, seriously, what the heck should I wear to lunch with one of the Real Housewives of New Jersey???


P.S. I got the news about this a while ago but was sworn to secrecy until the official announcement was made.  So I am also thrilled that I don’t have to keep the secret any longer because it is apparent that I’m not good at keeping my mouth shut.   🙂


I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me

I just found out that the “Circle of Moms” website picked Momopolize as one of three “Blogs To Watch” for 2012!!! 

Who are the “Blogs to Watch?”  Straight from the Circle of Mom’s mouth…

“When voting ends, our editors pick 3 Blogs to Watch from the list of blogs who participated in the contest.  The Blogs to Watch are bloggers with a unique voice and original content that caught our editors’ eyes.”

In honor of this special occasion, I wrote some new lyrics for the Rockwell song:

I’m just an average Mom.  With an average life.

I work from 5 to 9.  Hey, I pay the price.

All I have is my crazy kids and my kooky home.

I always  feel like I’m in the twilight zone.

I don’t understand why somebody’s watching me.

Are they playing tricks on me?

I don’t understand why somebody’s watching me.

Tell me is this just a dream??

Circle of Moms and I have pretty much the same number of readers.  Plus or minus 10,300,000 or so.

Thank you Circle of Moms!!!

Agape or Ughape?

During the sermon at church this past Sunday, the pastor asked who considered themselves irritating.  After some of the congregation raised their hands, he proceeded to tell us that we are all irritating.  In one way or another.

He went on to say that it is pointless to try to change someone’s irritating traits, because there will always be something irritating about them.  We shouldn’t try to change them.  We need to try love them for who we are.

Without going into the entire sermon, he said we should “Agape” love them (pronounced Ah-GAH-pay).  Agape love is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love, the highest of the four types of love in the Bible (definition from  It is loving even the unlovable parts, like God loves us.

I walked out of the sanctuary feeling very uplifted.  However, within 2 minutes of the end of the church service, Jake and Eric were pushing each other’s buttons.  Insulting each other.  Pointing out things they don’t like about each other.

Me:  Weren’t you guys paying attention to the sermon??  Didn’t you learn anything?

Jake:  Yes. I learned that we are all annoying and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

Maybe it should be pronounced ugh-GAH-pay.

In Honor Of Black Friday: Lots of C*rse Words

Rated R, for Really funny. (But seriously, don’t read with the kids around.)

When Eric was little, he didn’t pronounce his “Ps” and when he tried to make the “Tr” sound, it came out as “F.”  And he had an obsession with trucks.  You see where this is going, right?

One day when we were in line at the Chick-Fil-A drive through, a fleet of dump trucks drove by.  As we waited at the window for our food, Eric began loudly exclaiming…

I see a big dumb f*ck.

I see another big dumb f*ck.

There goes ANOTHER big dumb f*ck.

And ANOTHER big dumb f*ck. (Repeated 47 times – getting louder each time – until he finally said…)

There are big dumb f*cks EVERYWHERE.

I’m sure many shoppers are uttering those very words today.

Happy Black Friday everyone.

(Original someecards image has been modified.)


Thanksgiving is a day of giving thanks, but it can also be a day of giving stress.  The grocery shopping, the cleaning, the annoying Uncle, the complicated pie recipes (see, I told you to use my recipe!!)

I did actually bake a cheesecake and cupcakes, to distract from the store-bought pies.  I will post photos at some point…just to prove I am capable of baking SOMETHING, just not pies.

To make this an “official” Thanksgiving post:  I am thankful to have so many things to be thankful for that I don’t have time to write them all.  And you are too busy today to read them all anyway.

But you’re not too busy to look at pictures.  When the day starts giving you more stress than thanks, I hope these pictures will make you smile.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


I am thankful for my readers that vote for me for silly contests.  Just a couple of quick clicks, but it means a lot.  Because apparently I like to try to win things…

Voli’s Housewife Heroes contest:

Circle of Moms top 25 family bloggers  (this link takes you directly to me.  No scrolling required this time):

Oppan Costco Style

OMGosh you guys!  I think I must be a viral sensation.  I went to Costco today and like almost EVERY cart had used my pie recipe.  (If you missed my pie recipe yesterday, click here.)  I couldn’t believe it.  That means they ALL read my blog and ran right out to try what I suggested, right?  I am so excited!  I mean, if that many people from just MY Costo read my blog, then just think how many read it across the country!!!

Some people even made their own adjustments to the recipe, substituting Pumpkin or Pecans for the Apples.  Pure genius.  I always suspected my readers are brilliant.

I think I even heard a few singing the following song…

Hey, Bloggy Lady. Op, Op, Op, Oppan Costco Style.

Hey, Bloggy Lady. Op, Op, Op Oppan Costco Style.

Look out Gangnam Style, I think Costco Style is the next big thing.  My pie-in-the-sky is within reach.

Now I just need some cool dance moves.  “Bake the Cake” anyone?


What’s that you’re saying??  All the people buying pies at Costco had nothing to do with following my recipe??  Or reading my blog??  Oh.

I guess I need to eat humble pie.  Anyone have a recipe??



Psssst, you can still vote…

Housewife Heroes finalists (story on second page, Angela M.)!/volispirits/app_489717107739723

Circle of Moms (scroll waaaaay down the page, I just joined so am at #97.  Vote so I don’t look so pathetic at the bottom. lol)

Don’t Talk To Strangers. Unless You Are Asking Them For Help.

Hopefully I can have a bottle of vodka to wash down the hypocrite.

Let me ask once again for you to vote for me to win a trip to NYC based on my “self-less” behavior.  Yes, that’s right.  I’ve asking you to help me win a self-indulgent, self-serving, self-involved prize for my…self.  Doesn’t sound so self-less.  Selfish is more like it.

I cringe every time I post a “please vote for me” plea for this contest.  It just feels weird since I was initially notified about entering the contest because Voli Light saw my post about “Momopoly: The Real Game Of  Life” and using monopoly game concepts like Chance and Community Chest to foster fellowship and help those in need.

But I guess this time I feel like I am the one in need.   I feel the need lately for something to re-energize myself.  Re-motivate.  Re-inspire.  I am not good at asking for things for me.  But I have been asking anyway.  Begging.  Shouting.  Vote for ME.  Do this for ME.  I want something for ME. Those are hard words for me to say.

I’m not even sure why I want this so badly.  I’m not usually a high-falutin’ trip-to-the-big-city kind of gal.  But maybe that’s why I do want to go.  A few days of not being me.  A few days of putting me first.  A few days of saying it is ok to be selfish sometimes.

I have not heeded the advice given during the safety speech they give on an airplane.  “In the event of emergency, put on your oxygen mask first and then help others.” I’ve been trying to help the other passengers while mine is still dangling from the ceiling.  Maybe this trip would help me put my mask on and take a really deep breath.

I don’t think I have much chance of winning since I didn’t even know I was a finalist for about 6 of the 9 eligible voting days.  Especially since I don’t even think I’ve been able to vote for myself since a message keeps popping up that I’ve already voted for the day!  But I do appreciate everyone that has indulged me by voting for me and giving me words of encouragement!

Win or lose, I’m going to watch Real Housewives this week.  And I’m finally going to get my hair cut.  Do I know how to pamper myself or what??

And now you know what’s coming…

Click the link below, second page of stories, vote for Angela M.  🙂!/volispirits/app_489717107739723

Don’t Talk To Strangers. Just Let Them Follow You.

Jake: You have more Twitter followers than I do!!

Me:  And I only know about 5 of them in real life.

Jake: That’s creepy.

Me:  That’s what bloggers want.  To get a whole bunch of people they don’t know to read what they write.

Jake:  Why??

Me:  …Good question…

(So much for the years spent preaching about “stranger danger” and not giving out any personal information on the internet.)

Do as I say, not as I do.

Jolly Old St. Nick-or-Treat

Photo credit:

Rescheduling “Trick or Treat, Give Me Something Good To Eat” has proven to be a bit…umm…tricky.

Unfortunately there wasn’t a workable date to transform the event into “Snacksgiving” (I thought that was a little less offensive than calling it “Thanksgivoweenie.”).

I did, however, have a meeting yesterday and am happy to report it will be held in conjunction with a distribution of shoe box filled gifts for Christmas.

It will most likely be held strictly indoors (because I don’t want Mother Nature flubbing things up again!) with some festive decorations and games with the food as “prizes.”  There is a possibility of still trying to incorporate the trunk-or-treat concept.  “Christmas Tree Trunk-or-treat” perhaps.

I’m anxious for this to happen (and to get all the food out of my living room), but for now I suppose I will just have to Ho-Ho-Hold my horses.

Stay tuned…


And my daily PITA reminder:  VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.  Yes, I realize the presidential election is over.  But another important vote is needed.  To help me win a trip to NYC and some schmoozing and boozing and make-over with Melissa Gorga.  Click on the link below, go to the second page of stories and vote for Angela M.!/volispirits/app_489717107739723

The City That Never Sleeps and The Girl That Always Does

It’s a little ironic that I’m trying to get votes to win a trip to the “city that never sleeps” when lately that seems to be all I do.  Fatigue has taken over recently and napping seems to be what fills up all of my spare time.  My 4o winks have been more like 4,000 winks.


But if you help me win the trip to NYC, I promise to save all lumbering for when I get home.  I will enjoy every moment of the trip and will blog about every detail so you can re-live it with me!

Have no idea what trip I’m talking about?  You can read about it here…

Want to see me with BIG hair??

Or I can just quickly tell you about it again…

Voli Light Vodka contacted me about a “Housewife Heroes” contest after reading about my posts about my “game plan.”  I’ve been selected as a finalist and now need your votes to win a trip to NYC and lunch including a make-over with Melissa Gorga (Real Housewives of New Jersey) and some other goodies.

I can’t win this without my friends and loyal readers.  Just click the link below and go to the second page for my entry (Angela M) and click the little vote box!  You can click once a day from now through Friday!!/volispirits/app_489717107739723

During all of my naps, I will dream of going to the city that doesn’t sleep.  More irony.


And don’t forget my…thick.  hair.  Really thick hair.  The real housewife make-over big hair pics will be your grand prize.