Category Archives: Humor

You are going to be soooo jealous of our 20th anniversary plans!

Today is our 20th wedding anniversary.  And boy do we have BIG plans.

Front row seats.

Unlimited ice cold beverages.

Fancy square plates.

Surrounded by cheers and applause.

Non-stop excitement.

Special honorary titles bestowed on us by adoring fans.

I will feel pampered like a trophy wife.

And my outfit is just striking.

It will be a swinging good time.

We will be in stitches all night.

Jim’s hoping to get past third base after all the effort he’s put into this night.

I know your curiosity is driving you batty, so I won’t keep you in suspense any longer…






Little league baseball machine pitch semi-finals!!!

Yep.  You heard it right.  We have DUGOUT seats, with all the WATER bottles we want while hearing chants of “Bad call Coach” and “Hey Bench Mom, get that kid’s catcher’s gear on faster!”

We may even throw in some peanuts and cracker jacks.

‘Cause we really know how to live it up!

Monkee-ing Around at the “Carry On Warrior” Book Signing

This is the story of why Glennon Melton thinks I’m bananas.

When I arrived for the Carry on Warrior book signing, the line was already winding through Books A Million.

Carry On Warrior Book Signing baby showerThe store was decorated with balloons and banners for the “birth” of Glennon’s book.

To complete the baby shower experience, favors were handed out

Including Twizzlers, of course.

I got in line behind the dozens and dozens of Momastery fans that were already there andCarry On Warrior Book Signing long line within a few minutes, the line was longer behind me than it was ahead.

I was surrounded by groups of Monkees laughing and chatting.  I quickly realized something awful.  I was the ONLY person that had come to the signing ALONE.

I expected to see a light hanging from the ceiling flashing Loser.  Loser.  Loser.  With an arrow pointing at ME.

No worries, I thought.  “I will just pretend like I have sooo many friends I’m texting and chatting with on FB.  Cell phone to the rescue!  What???  18% battery left???  Crap.  If I get on Facebook, I will drain my battery before I can get a photo with Glennon.”

Panic set in.

I resorted to blankly perusing books from the shelves next to the line.  After staring intently at the cover of one book for several minutes – without actually reading it, since I was in too much of a tizzy to actually focus on anything – I realized I was staring at a book called “Assassin’s Creed.”

Great, now everyone in line thinks I’m a loser AND a psychotic killer.

I suck at chit-chat, especially with strangers but I always struggle with it even with people I know.  Small talk is a big stressor.  I either can’t think of anything to contribute to the conversation or I babble on and on like an idiot.  There doesn’t seem to be any in between with me.  I’m either a faucet that won’t turn on faster than an annoying drip or one stuck on full blast, with everyone dodging the splashing water.

So I continued to stand there in silence listening to the conversations and fun going on around me, while staring blankly at more book covers (and yes, I had 3 copies of Carry On Warrior in a bag in my hand, but did it even cross my mind to use the awkward time reading?  No.  Not once.)

I’m surprised I didn’t leave.  Between feeling like an outcast, a bit claustrophobic (I’m not normally, but this store was packed!), not eating dinner before I went and standing there in high heels, I was having visions of passing out and taking down the aisles of books with me.  I’m sure you can picture what I mean…a domino of shelves knocking down one after another after another until the entire store is in shambles.

Fortunately – or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it – I COULDN’T leave because I was getting a book signed for someone who injured her knee and couldn’t stand in line.  And before you say I should have loudly announced that bit of information to prove that I DO in fact have friends, I have never met her.  She posted on the Momastery Facebook page asking if anyone could take her copy to the signing, and since I live in the same town I offered. (Side note: We HAVE messaged back on forth on FB since the signing and discussed meeting for lunch when she is, literally, back on her feet.  She didn’t get great test result news from her injury so send her some healing thoughts please!)

Glennon made her grand entrance right on time.  With all the squeals and applause, it sounded like a rock concert.  She had the entire room mesmerized with her words of welcome.

And yes, she is on a ladder!

Photo: First Carry On, Warrior book signing last night.Over 500 kind and brave women...a room full of love, joy, sisterhood, tears, hysterical laughter, babies, mamas, grandmamas, sisters, lobsters, and many women hanging on by that thread we all know so well. They all showed up, just as they are. Held space for each other. Closest to heaven I've ever been. Signed the last book and hugged the last Monkee at midnight.As Penny Lane says... It's all happening.

After Glennon put her feet back on the ground, she soon began signing.  At least the line began inching along.  But what happened next is one of those “What was I thinking???” moments.  Since the crowd was so huge, index cards were handed out.  Everyone was allowed 30 seconds with Glennon when they reached the coveted front of the line position, so if there was anything I wanted Glennon to hear that would take more than 30 seconds, I was instructed to write it on the card and leave it in a basket for her to read later.

I guess the anxiety of standing alone in the crowd with an empty stomach and aching feet caused temporary insanity to set in.  I started scribbling away.

Here is the gist of what I filled up every inch of that card with.  It began innocently enough.  But then took a turn for the nutso.

“Glennon, Congrats on your much deserved success. I don’t comment much on your blog, but I adore your posts. I wish I had the opportunity to get to know you when we both lived in the same neighborhood! I think I am going to just keep writing until this card is completely full because I’m convinced I am the ONLY person here alone and I feel like an idiot standing here in silence. Everyone else is chatting happily with a group of friends and I’m just feeling totally AWK. WARD. Hopefully I won’t have a full on panic attack or anything. I’d probably pass out and hit my head on the corner of a bookshelf and get a gash in the shape of an “L” on my forehead, which would confirm what I’m sure everyone is thinking right now. Well, I guess now I will go back to randomly staring into space while everyone else is enjoying the company of their buddies.  I can’t even retreat to Facebook because my phone battery is almost dead and if it dies I won’t be able to get a photo with you.  Sorry for the sloppy hand writing.  I wrote this while holding the index card in my hand.  Palms are very bumpy.  Well, I’m out of room now.  K, bye!”

And I signed it.  First AND last name.  Yeah, I know.  Sigh.

As we rounded the corner that was about the half way point, I think I must have looked pathetic enough that the group of Monkees in front of me took pity on me.  They turned around and told me I looked familiar.  I – completely jokingly – said “maybe you recognize me from my blog.”  Unfortunately I don’t think it came off as a joke.  Surprisingly, they kept talking to me anyway.  I don’t think I said much else, since I already stuck my foot in my mouth once, but just the APPEARANCE that I was standing in their group made me feel included.  Ahhh, I may survive this evening after all.  Monkees to the rescue!

The second half of the wait was much more enjoyable because I only felt slightly anti-social, plus we were in a more open area of the store and the end of the line was at least in sight even though we still were no where near the end.

Finally, after almost 3 hours in line, I was up next.  Before I continue, I must digress for a minute.  I don’t normally have a get-all-giddy-over-celebrities personality.  I never have.  I don’t watch the Oscars nor read People magazine.  No teeny-bopper posters plastered all over my room when I was young.  The closest thing I had to a teen heart throb was Andy Gibb (I did have a t-shirt with his photo on it).   Once a Redskin’s football player rented a house on my street, but I didn’t give it much thought (my husband on the other hand…total bromance.).  Even when I met Melissa Gorga of the Real Housewives of New Jersey, I wouldn’t say I was starstruck.  Don’t get me wrong, having lunch with her was an exciting and nerve-wracking experience, but I think I was more freaked out about official “press” photographers being there (I hate getting my picture taken) and trying to make small talk (or big talk) with a diva (she didn’t act like one).  She even made a comment that it was the first time she had a lunch and talked about something OTHER than RHONJ (I’m still not sure if she was pleased about that or offended that I didn’t fawn over her more).

So imagine my surprise when I set my books down on the table for Glennon to sign and this squeaky, squealy, overly-excited voice appeared out of no where and spewed,

“Ohmygawd! I’m soooo excited to meet you well we may have met before our sons were in the same class in 1st grade but I don’t know if we actually met or not but I wish we had because I know we would have been great friends what? his name is Eric McKeown M C K E O W N which doesn’t look like it should be pronounced Mc Q N but it is I asked Eric if he remembered Chase and he said yes I remember seeing him at Petsmart one day when we were in class together but we never had play dates together isn’t it funny the things that kids remember but they can’t remember where they put their shoes 5 minutes ago oh and I also have lyme disease and I went to JMU but I’m sure I’m older than you so we didn’t get to meet there either but don’t we just have so much in common? I feel like we have been friends even though we haven’t and I just loooove your blog and you are such an inspiration I just hope one day I can somehow help even a fraction of the people that you have helped this copy is for Lisa that copy is for me and the third I’m going to give away on my blog what? yes I write a blog what? ohmygawd I would loooove to email you the link to my blog so you can check it out that just made my day that is so awesome thank you soooo much you are going to be here really late signing books you must be so excited that so many Monkees came out to see you but I bet you are going to be tired tomorrow and you don’t really get to rest because you have to go to you next stop on the tour what? no it hasn’t been 30 seconds I just started talking to Glennon I still have more to say why are you grabbing me by the arm sir? oh wow I get a personal escort out of the store you guys are just too sweet you really know how to make a gal feel special let’s do lunch love ya’ bye! “

I found my inner starry eyed teeny-bopper.

Photo with Glennon Melton

I think I reacted this way because Glennon is doing what I dream of doing.  And doing it exceptionally well.  Maybe I don’t swoon over singers or actors because I don’t want to be one.  But an author, now that is something I admire.  And an author that uses her talents and influence to help others.  Wow.  Now if only Jenny Lawson, a.k.a. the Bloggess, would bring her book tour near me,  I just may be reduced to tears.  I DID foster her cat’s long lost brother after all.

On my way out I said goodbye to my new friends – you know, the people in front of me in line – and we exchanged names and said we’d look for each other on the Momastery page.  But come to think of it, they only gave me their FIRST names.  Hmmm.

As soon as I got home, I emailed Glennon.  Not once, but twice.  Then I told Jim about my adventure, including the uncharacteristic gushing adoration and the index card, assuming he would laugh.  Instead he got a look of horror on his face and said, “but you didn’t actually give her the index card, right?”  I told him that I had indeed.

Cue the crickets.

Sorry Glennon.

I think I know the title of my memoir.  “Carry Out Wackier.”


Carry On Warrior Book signed copy giveaway
Don’t worry, not by ME!

Click HERE to enter to win the signed copy of Carry On Warrior.  I promise I didn’t add any insane gibberish anywhere on it.  I only do that on index cards.  And verbally.  Don’t worry.  If you win, you can give me a P.O. box address to mail it to.  Because I’m sure NONE of you want me knowing where you live after reading this post! 😉

And in case you haven’t already heard me shouting it from the rooftops, I am in a book!  It was released the same day as Carry On Warrior.  My kids heard me say was that I was “going to a book signing.”  The next day they excitedly asked how many people showed up.  I wasn’t sure why they were so curious about the success of Glennon’s book but they ooohed and aaaahed when I told them around 500.  When they asked if my hand got cramped, I realized what they thought.  Talk about dejected faces when I broke it to them that I was GETTING an autograph, not giving them.  Sorry to disappoint fellas.

Life Well Blogged book cover Parenting Gag Reel“My” book is “Parenting Gag Reel: Hilarious Writes and Wrongs” which is the 4th book in the best selling series published by Life Well Blogged.  It contains a collaboration of writing from 40 bloggers and a portion of the proceeds goes to Autism Speaks.  It made it to #10 in the Kindle store’s Parenting & Families category and hopefully will go to #1 when the paperback is released (should be released within a week).  Don’t be surprised if you see me sitting on the floor in a corner at Books A Million with a balloon tied to my wrist begging people to take signed copies of the paperback.  Gotta’ make those kids proud somehow.

Click HERE to buy the Kindle download of Parenting Gag Reel.  It is only $2.99!

You also have a chance to win a copy (5 winners) when you enter the Carry On Warrior giveaway.  Plus there are instructions to enter a Kindle Fire giveaway!!

Giveaways Galore: Carry On Warrior signed by Glennon, Parenting Gag Reel and a Kindle Fire!

Open windows are dangerous. Thousands of reputations have been injured by them.

I didn’t really post enough on FB this week for a “wrap up” but one thing I did post has gone gangbusters.  Who knew this little pic I made would be so popular???  Thanks to Mommy Needs A Break for sharing it with her gazillion Facebook fans who in turn have shared it hundreds of times!

Guess I’m not the only one who forgets… 😉

Don't scream when the windows are open

Now share this post!

Then go buy Parenting Gag Reel!  My stories are in Chapters 1 and 6 and the 39 other bloggers in the book are hysterical.  It will make you laugh as much as this picture did!  Plus a portion of the proceeds goes to Austism Speaks, so buying the book will make your heart smile too!  The paperback version is anticipated to be released next week!

Please WRITE A REVIEW on Amazon if you’ve already read it!

You can buy me on Amazon! Well, not ME…but something I wrote!

Life Well Blogged book cover Parenting Gag ReelI’m in a book.  A real, live book.  Well, not live.  Unless you count that the paper used to be a tree.  But the paperback version isn’t out yet, so I guess I can’t really say that yet…

I’m so excited to announce that the Kindle version was released today and the paperback version should be released very soon (then I can call it a “live” book, I suppose).

The Kindle version is less than a trip to Starbucks ($2.99) so go. Download it.  Read it.  Laugh.  Grab some tissues.  Laugh some more.  And then write a (hopefully glowing) REVIEW of it (reviews are really, really helpful for the book’s success!).

Click here to buy —–> Parenting Gag Reel – Hilarious Writes and Wrongs: Take 26 on Amazon!  My stories are in chapters 1 and 6.

I tend to down play when something good happens to me.  I am much more comfortable talking about my screw-ups than my successes.  But I will admit I’m doing the happy dance about this.  It is quite an honor to be in the company of some of the other fabulous writers that are included in this book.  Bloggers that I have read and admired.  Blogs like…

Life on the Sonny Side



Laugh Lines

My Life As Lucille

and Janine Huldie

And I’m. in. the. same. book. as. them! (Sorry for the mid-sentence periods, Christine.  😉 )

I know the other 33 contributors are fabulous as well.  I just hadn’t been fortunate enough to discover their blogs until now!

Blogging is very difficult at times.  You pour your heart and soul out for a miniscule amount feedback.  It’s just the nature of the game.  Usually you are just crossing your fingers and HOPING that someone likes what you posted, but never knowing for sure.

The joke in my house is that I hit publish and then say, “Wait for it.  Wait for it…crickets…”

Then comes Life Well Blogged.  Having someone say, “Not only do we like what you wrote, we like it enough to publish it,” is pretty darn reassuring.

I would write more about just HOW awesome it feels but I don’t want to be late for the release day book signing.

No, not MY book signing.  I will be standing in line to get a book signed.  Not behind the table getting writer’s cramp from scribbling my name.  But I can pretend. 

(I’ve never been to a book signing, so I’m pretty excited to see Glennon from Momastery…but will write more about that later…)

Thank you to everyone that has supported me since I started Momopolize last August.  I never imagined anyone other than (some of) my Facebook friends would want to read my blog.  It has been a wonderful ride so far and I couldn’t do it without you.  Well, I could…but it would be called a journal instead of a blog.

Now stop reading this and go to Amazon!  Please!  🙂

Lying about our age. Ladies, we’ve been doing it all wrong.

Remember being a kid and wanting people to think you are older than you are?

“I’m 12.  And a half.”

Don’t forget the half.

As adults, we reach a point when that changes.  Rounding up our age is no longer desirable.

So we lie. I bet my Mom has had more 29th birthdays than your mom

For years I jokingly told my kids I was 29. Mostly jokingly. Well, sort of jokingly.

One day I finally came to the realization that saying I was 29 was essentially telling
my kids that I got pregnant when I was 12.

Not exactly the morality message I want to send.

Just why DO we try to hide our true age? Why is it impolite to
ask a woman her age?  It’s not like we’ve done something wrong.

“Oh gosh. I can’t believe I aged 365 days this past year.  PLEASE don’t tell anyone!”

I mean, we don’t have a choice. Everyone single person ages a day every single day of their lives. No matter what.  So why does that suddenly become something to disguise?

And anyway, I realized I had it all wrong. Totally wrong!  Why would I want to say I’m younger than I truly am?

Since turning back time is only possible in movies, ultimately don’t we just want to look young for our (real) age?  To feel young for our age?

When I’m saying I’m 29 but am actually 39, people are just going to think,

“Dang girl!  You look like crap for 29!

Goal not accomplished.

So listen up ladies!  When you lie about your age, don’t subtract 10 years.  ADD 10!

Then people will say,

“Wow!  You look incredible for 49!  What’s your secret??”

Or better yet , just tell the truth.

I’m 44. And a half.

Don’t forget the half

How old are YOU??

See kids? Veggies are soooo yummy!!

I won the weekly “Caption That” contest over at Can I Get Another Bottle Of Whine With My Morning Quiet Time.  Thanks Kate!  My little Momopolize button gets to proudly sit on her sidebar for a week!

See kids?  Veggies are soooo yummy!!

To see the actual story behind the photo above, click here —> Caption That (Round 26).  You can also submit your own entry for this week’s photo!  Her blog is guaranteed to make you laugh!

I realize I have been neglecting my blog lately, but as a result I’ve had time to discover some fantastic bloggers, like Kate!   I promise to start posting more often…well, I promise to TRY.  😉

What caption would YOU have given this photo?

Not-so-new-newsfeed wrap up 3/25/13

Since I seem to be unable to get a new blog post written, I will at least post snippets from my Facebook newsfeed this past week.  Join us at for even more fun!

After the (not-so-new) newsfeed posts is also info about Bloglovin’ and a book I’m in!


For parents (like me) who are having snow during the kids’ spring break, here is a simple solution.  You’re welcome.  Really, it’s snow problem at all.

Spring break snow


At a wrestling tournament yesterday, Jimmy came up and sat next to me on the bleachers and…

Jimmy:  Mom, thanks for not being an asshole parent.  I just heard a Dad yelling at his son as he came off the mat ‘What the hell were you doing out there???  I didn’t drive an hour and waste my day to watch you SUCK.’ ”

Me:  Why do you think I bring you to these tournaments?  It has nothing to do with wrestling.  It’s all about making me look like an awesome parent in comparison.

That conversation made the 12 hour day totally worth it.


Me: Eric asked if we can buy more girl scout cookies.  Can you pick up Samoa?
Jim:  Sure.  I’ll see if Eric wants to Tag-a-long.

‘Cause we are just THAT cool.


That awkward moment when you enter a public restroom stall with the toilet seat up and you wonder…was the bathroom just cleaned or am I in the men’s room??


A lady sitting near me was endlessly gossiping to a friend.

Me (whispering to Jim): “Geesh, she is such a busy-body.”

Said while eavesdropping.

Pot.  Kettle.


When I picked up Eric after school, he was grinning from ear to ear and holding up his much anticipated recorder he received today during music class.

My out-loud voice: Woohoo!!! I can’t wait to hear you play it when we get home!
My inner voice: For the next month I get to hear the sound of a duck that just got his wing yanked off.  Woo.  Hoo.


Everyone please stop posting about spring cleaning.  The guilt is making me take desperate measures.  Like watching Hoarders.

Instead of cleaning watch hoarders


The house is so clean Was the internet down

Actually, for me it is more like…

“Wow honey, the house is so clean!”  said my husband.  Never.

Maybe he should talk to Verizon to schedule daily outages.


I think Jimmy has forgotten that I can see his Twitter account.  He tweeted, “I will never get over just how awesome some parents are and just how boring mine are.”

Oh, the love.


Speaking of, you can show me some lovin’ by following me on Bloglovin’!  It is a way to keep track of all the blogs you read in one handy-dandy list.  For the blogs you follow, there is a list of all unread posts, similar to a newsfeed.  Below is a screen shot to show you what it’s like (and as an added bonus, you can see some of the awesome blogs I’m following.  I highly recommend you check them out also!).  Click the cute little Bloglovin’ button on my sidebar to the right or follow me here.

bloglovin screen shot


Life Well Blogged book cover Parenting Gag Reel

<— Buy this book April 2.  Why?  Because I’m in it! 🙂

No, that’s not an April Fool’s joke.  I’m really in it.  Shocking, right?

It is the 4th book in the Life Well Blogged series.  The first 3 made it to the top 10 best sellers on Amazon for Parenting books.  Will you help this one get to #1??

I will post the link once it is up on Amazon and will have some copies to offer as giveaways too!

Bad boys, bad boys. What’cha gonna do?


No one ever wants to get the cell phone call “The cops are at your house and want to talk to you.”  But I did.

Jake was babysitting while Jim, Jimmy and I were working last night.  I received that call from my neighbor at 10:15.

Talk about a heart-pounding moment.

Did someone break in?

Is the house on fire?

Were they out vandalizing the neighborhood?

Are they out on the lawn beating the tar out of each other?

No.  They left the dog out in the back yard.  Our separation anxiety dog Brownie that freaks out when we aren’t in sight (except, for some reason, when she’s gallivanting through the neighborhood with Cookie).  And she heard there was rain in the forecast.  She is the only lab in the world that hates water.  And it was dark.  And Cookie was INSIDE (still not sure WHY one dog was brought inside and not the other….).

So she was REALLY freaked out.

She had been barking non-stop and finally someone had had enough and called the police.  While I am deeply sorry for keeping my neighbors awake, I must admit I was relieved THAT was the reason the police were there and not my initial thoughts.

Jake had put Eric and Greg to bed, turned his video game on, and was so oblivious to the world that he didn’t hear a dog that was  barking loudly enough to wake the entire neighborhood.  Or the pounding on the front door.  Or see the flashing blue lights in front of our house.  Or the flashlight shining in the windows.

Well, he DID hear the pounding.

“I heard someone knocking on the door but I’m not supposed to answer the door when you aren’t home.  So I didn’t.”

You got me there Jake.

Oi vey.

Time to cut the sleeves off of Jim’s t-shirts.


This morning one of my funny blogger friends wrote about differences between herself and Mr. Rogers.  I can tell you one difference for me.  The answer to “Won’t you be my neighbor?” A resounding NO.

I Stole My Own Sunshine

“I was lying on the grass on Sunday morning of last week
Indulging in my self-defeat”

“And of course you can’t become if you only say what you would have done

So I missed a million miles of fun”

Before I started writing a blog, I must admit I didn’t even really read blogs.  I had a few I read sporadically, but for the most part blogging was foreign to me.  Even though I had wanted to write one for years, I was pretty much clueless.

The past month I have started delving further into the world of blogging.  I’ve been reading more and more blogs.  Awesome blogs.  Insightful.  Thought provoking.  World changing blogs.  And hilarious.  Laugh out loud.  Pee your pants blogs.

And I’ve loved getting to know these wonderful bloggers.  Incredible women (and men) that are pouring their souls out for cyberspace to see.  Bloggers that can express their innermost thoughts in a way that I feel like I’ve known them forever.  Or feel as though they’ve been peeking in my windows because they seem to be describing my life.  Ladies that I’d love to meet in real life because I just KNOW we’d be instant friends.

BUT…there’s always a but…the more extraordinary content I read, the more extra ordinary I felt.

I let them take my sparkle away.  And by “them” I mean me.  (Only those of you that admit to watching the Bachelor will understand the sparkle reference.  Google “Tiara” and “Bachelor” and watch any video clips that come up.  She’s a trip.  But I digress.).  As I read, I yearned for their loyal followers gushing praise in their comments.  I felt completely inferior.

I lost my confidence to write.

Every time I try to blog, the dark cloud of doubt hovers.

My life is too ordinary.

My words are too ordinary.

My ideas are too…ordinary.

See, I couldn’t even come up with words other than ordinary!

I’ve had so many things I’ve wanted to write about, but I sit and stare at the “Add New Post” screen and all that goes through my mind is “my writing isn’t good enough.”

So I’ve remained wordless.

But I miss writing.  Really miss it.

Tonight when I signed on to Facebook, the first thing in my news feed was this photo…

Comparison is the thief of joy
Posted by Single Dad Laughing, ironically one of the blogs causing my inferiority complex.

Eureka!  By comparing myself to others, I was taking away something that brought me much happiness.

So I will try to get the words flowing again.  Try to view the fabulous blogs out there not as competition, but as community.  To not be concerned whether I’m better or worse.  To embrace that we are all unique.

I will try.

I will continue to write my blog.  AND I will continue to read other blogs.  Because that’s what I enjoy.  Will I still long for the ability to attract 10s of thousands of followers that comment endlessly and freely press the like button and share all over every social media avenue because my writing is just so inspirational or helped them feel like less of a failure or made them split their sides laughing because it contained the world’s longest run on sentence?  Will I have doubts in the future when I press that publish button that people will yawn and say b-o-r-I-n-g when they read the post?  You bet ‘cha.

But hopefully I will be able to stop comparing and keep the sunshine thief at bay.

Because I don’t want to miss a million miles of fun.

I may not always choose the most eloquent dialogue, or come up with a ground-breaking concept, or be changing the world (yet!).

But my blog is changing my world.  And that should be enough to keep me versed and on my feet.