OMGosh you guys! I think I must be a viral sensation. I went to Costco today and like almost EVERY cart had used my pie recipe. (If you missed my pie recipe yesterday, click here.) I couldn’t believe it. That means they ALL read my blog and ran right out to try what I suggested, right? I am so excited! I mean, if that many people from just MY Costo read my blog, then just think how many read it across the country!!!
Some people even made their own adjustments to the recipe, substituting Pumpkin or Pecans for the Apples. Pure genius. I always suspected my readers are brilliant.
I think I even heard a few singing the following song…
Hey, Bloggy Lady. Op, Op, Op, Oppan Costco Style.
Hey, Bloggy Lady. Op, Op, Op Oppan Costco Style.
Look out Gangnam Style, I think Costco Style is the next big thing. My pie-in-the-sky is within reach.
Now I just need some cool dance moves. “Bake the Cake” anyone?
What’s that you’re saying?? All the people buying pies at Costco had nothing to do with following my recipe?? Or reading my blog?? Oh.
I guess I need to eat humble pie. Anyone have a recipe??

Psssst, you can still vote…
Housewife Heroes finalists (story on second page, Angela M.)!/volispirits/app_489717107739723
Circle of Moms (scroll waaaaay down the page, I just joined so am at #97. Vote so I don’t look so pathetic at the bottom. lol)