Greg’s black stuffed animal dog ends up on the floor. Ray sees it motionless. He circles the dog, moaning the most horrible mourning meow you’ve ever heard. Then he lays next to the dog, continuing to howl until someone picks it up.
Why, you ask?
Because he thinks it is our black cat, Mushu. And he thinks he is dead.
That’s right, he can’t tell the difference between a stuffed dog and a real cat (who he has lived with for 3 years).
We named him Rayo for “rayo de sol” which means ray of sunshine in Spanish.
Unfortunately, it is always a bit cloudy in his world.
On second thought, maybe I can understand the confusion…
We do love our “Cloudy with a Chance of Rayo” cat.
Remember our foster kitten, Bob B. McKitty? (If not, click here for a reminder.) I was convinced he was related to the famous Hunter S. Thomcat. But maybe I just knew he was destined for fame.
We had Bob for 6 months – which is the longest time we’ve ever had a foster – even though he is the BEST foster ever. Well, except when a potential adopter would come meet him. Then he’d turn into the snootiest, least snuggly, most uncooperative cat in the world. I won’t even mention what he did at an adoption event at a Petsmart. His personality would change so much we could have written a kitty version of the “What About Bob?” movie about his personality disorder.
But now I know why. He was just waiting for bigger and better things. He recently was adopted by Greta Van Susteren’s brother in Vermont.
And just HOW did he get to Vermont, you may ask? He flew on Greta’s PRIVATE jet, that’s how!
Only Bob would get to travel in style like that.
I heard it has gone to his head though…
Yes, Bob is now living the good life. Greta even wrote about him on her blog…