My response to Jake whacking Eric with a banana…
“Stop that! You’re going to bruise the banana!”
I will make sure to add that story to my Mother of the Year acceptance speech.
Eric wanted me to listen to his favorite song, Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. I thought I’d never heard of it, but when it started playing I knew the song immediately. I’ve sung along many times as it played on the radio but instead of singing “Radioactive,” I thought the lyrics were “Ready to Whack You.”
It never occurred to me how ridiculous that was until I saw the expression on Eric’s face when I told him.
(I should have sung along using MY lyrics while Jake hit Eric with the banana.)
For more funnies, make sure to like my facebook page, as well as checking out the other pages linked up below! (I’m co-hosting the FacebookLove Hop every Thursday in July.)
Welcome to the new FacebookLove blog hop!
Here are the rules:
- Linkup your Blog’s Facebook page URL.
- ‘LIKE‘ your host and co-hosts pages.
- Return the likes of other participants.
- Grab a Hop Button below and place it on your sidebar so others can join in.

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Some Things to NOTE:
- Like other FB pages from your PERSONAL profile. This important since Facebook does NOT count likes if you like a page from your PAGES.
- We highly encourage you to return the like of everyone who has liked your page.
- We recommend when liking a page, to please leave a comment on their page or send them a message that you are LIKING them from the FacebookLove Hop so you’re LIKE is not overlooked.
- After the Hop, check your Facebook SPAM content – Go to Edit Page, Activity Log and Spam which is over on the left sidebar. Facebook is known to SPAM comments or messages from others if multiple comments or messages are sent in a short period of time.
Don’t forget to Tweet & Pin this Hop!
Now on to the Hop!
FIRST Meet and ‘LIKE’ your Host and Co-hosts!