When Jimmy was a toddler, he became quite obsessed with Halloween. One day he announced that he wanted to have the scariest house in the neighborhood. I took that challenge and ran with it. I started stockpiling terrifying and gruesome décor.
November 1st became my “Black Friday.” I’d be up bright and early ordering discounted items online and waiting at the party store when it opened to clear out their clearance section.
I finally had to curb my enthusiasm for buying all things Halloween – because my storage room was full (and my bank account empty!). But we still look forward to the most spooktacular day of the year.
After shopping for all things scary, I prided myself on being the bravest “Mummy” around, but once when I reached in this bin to grab a decoration that was under some costume capes, I was turned into a total scaredy cat!
What do you think had me so terrorized???
No, it wasn’t the monster hand that frightened me.
It was something
The not-so-scaredy cat, Mushu, wasn’t startled at all. He was just annoyed that I woke him. That’ll teach me to make sure it is JUST black capes before I stick my hand in next time…
Filed under the “things I never thought I’d have to say” category…
“Don’t hit your brother with the cat!!!!!”
Don’t worry, it isn’t Mushu.
Mushu may not have been afraid when I reached in the bin, but I think he met his match.
I always loved the “spot the differences” game.
Brownie really enjoyed this scratch behind the ears.
She just didn’t know it was going to cost an arm and a leg.
She still owes us the leg.
Notice anything unusual in this “Trunk or Treat” photo? No, not the flying white witch. Or the giant cockroach. Or the freaky looking face to the left of Greg (although I don’t remember that being there when I took the photo…hmm…). Check out Eric’s “bag” for collecting his candy.
Yes, it is an empty ravioli box. Not decorated, not disguised, not even tucked in flaps. Just a ravioli box.
Buying a costume for trick-or-treating is always a highlight of the season but some costumes can cost an arm and a leg (and not the kind used for Brownie’s back scratch!). I’m sure one or two of you has heard of a little movie called Frozen. I’m also sure it will be THE costume of choice for most of the younger set this year. My kids are unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how many times I’ve avoided hearing “Let It Go”) past the Frozen infatuation. While they are more into chilling thrilling zombies than chilly silly snowmen, I know many of you are knee deep in Elsa-and-Anna-land, so I’m teaming up with Kandoo and some of my favorite bloggers on Instagram to co-host an epic Frozen Halloween costume giveaway. What Elsa could be better? (ba-dum-ching) And there’s a gift card prize too – for all the thawed boys and ghouls.
We’re giving away three Frozen Halloween costumes and a $100 Amazon Gift card! I can hear the squeals from here!
Enter Now!
Complete the form below to enter. Four winners will be chosen to receive one of the prizes. Must be 18 years of age to enter. Giveaway ends at Midnight on Saturday, October 11, 2014.
Be sure to Instagram your kids in their favorite Halloween costumes using #FrozenHalloween. We’ll see you there!
Whether you’re trying to potty train your toddler or you just want your older kids to wash their hands every time, be sure to visit Kandoo for great tips, tricks and products for naturally clean fun!
Momopolize received no compensation for sponsoring this event, and is not responsible for the delivery of the prize. Prize delivery is the sole responsibility of Kandoo.
Portions of this post were previously published in Mc-Boo-n-isms. Click here to see more of our Halloween fun.