Jimmy had to be at school very early yesterday morning to go with his wrestling team to a tournament. The following half asleep text conversation happened since I was too lazy to get out of bed…
Me: U back fron dripping Jimmy at school?
Jim: Yes but I have to go back and drip a Gatorade off that he forgot.
Me: That’s nice f u.
Jim: F u 2.
Me: *Of.
A few minutes later….
Me: Hey drippy, did u get the Gatorade 2 him b4 the bus left.?
Jim: Yes.
Me: Good fork u.
And so our day began…
Speaking of the tournament…it went well until Jimmy’s nose battled his opponent’s head. The nose lost. It is broken, which means he will have to wear a special mask to protect it when he wrestles next weekend.
The mask may look like this…
But it could look like this…
Personally, I vote for something like THIS, to really freak his opponent out…
Last night Jimmy texted me at 11:30.
Jimmy: Can you come pick me up?
He was home. In his bed.
I ran to his room convinced that we hadn’t realized he got a concussion when he broke his nose. I made him talk to me for a while and answer all kinds of questions.
He was fine. He sent the text while he was mostly asleep and was dreaming he was at a friend’s house. I’ve seen sleep walking and sleep talking but…sleep texting. That is a new one.
Just say no to Slexting.
And one more text story…
This morning, Jim texted me this while at IHOP with Eric and Greg:
Jim: This just happened…
Host: Can I have your name for the wait list.
Host writes Jean.
No, Jim.
Host writes Jin.
No, J. I. M.
To Eric: Do I slur my words???
Eric: No Jean.
Me: Hahaha! Well…u DO look more like a Jean or a Jin.
Jim: Fork u.
And so our day begins…
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