I pride myself on being pretty brave with spookiness at Halloween, but as I reached in this bin to grab a decoration that was under some costume capes, I was turned into a total scaredy cat!
What do you think had me so terrorized???
No, it wasn’t the monster hand below the decoration that frightened me.
It was something
much scarier.
The not-so-scaredy cat, Mushu, wasn’t startled at all. He was just annoyed that I woke him. That’ll teach me to make sure it is JUST black capes before I stick my hand in next time…
Filed under the “things I never thought I’d have to say” category…
“Don’t hit your brother with the cat!!!!!”
Don’t worry, it isn’t Mushu.
Mushu may not have been afraid when I reached in the bin, but I think he met his match.
Mushu was happy I used my crappy camera phone so you all can’t see the terror in his eyes.
Brownie really enjoyed this scratch behind the ears.
She just didn’t know it was going to cost an arm and a leg.
She still owes us the leg.
Speaking of the arm, it mysteriously shows up in the weirdest places in our house. And no one ever claims responsibility for moving it. It’s a little disturbing…
But you know what is MORE disturbing?? That my children think it is acceptable to throw their sports crap equipment all over the floor.
Notice anything unusual in this “Trunk or Treat” photo? No, not the flying white witch. Or the giant cockroach. Or the freaky looking face to the left of Greg (although I don’t remember that being there when I took the photo…hmm…). Check out Eric’s “bag” for collecting his candy.
Yes, it is an empty Chefboyardee ravioli box. Not decorated, not disguised, not even tucked in flaps. Just a ravioli box.
Every year we forget to carve our pumpkin. So we are always frantically scooping out pumpkin guts as the trick-or-treaters are arriving. This year Greg saved the day and did the pumpkin all by himself (well, with a little help from Dad on the sharp stuff) before the trick-or-treaters arrived.
For a work event, Jim had to show off his baking skills by bringing in a Halloween themed dessert. He found this fun idea that he thought seemed simple enough. I should have warned him that anything on Martha Stewart’s website is never as easy as it looks.

He could only find regular waffle cones (not chocolate) and regular Twizzlers (not string licorice), but assembled the rest of the ingredients. He worked into the wee hours of the morning and was pretty happy with his results. Until he had the following conversation with Greg…
Greg: What are those supposed to be?
Jim: What do you think they are supposed to be?
Greg: Ummmm…Snowmen?
So much for the MartyStewart.com idea.
What was the most terrifying thing I saw this Halloween season, you may ask? This teenage girl who was obviously bewitched by Jake. Eeeeeek.
I always loved the “spot the differences” game. Comment with the differences YOU can find!
Hint: There are 47.
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