Tag Archives: McQNism

Not Post #100 Worthy.

Jake told me my 100th post needed to be something special.  You get this instead.


Me (without looking away from my computer):  I saw that.
Jake: What?
Me: You better apologize before I get to 3.
Jake: For what?
Me: 1.  2.
Jake: I didn’t moon them!
Me: I never said moon.
Jake:  Hu…?  Dang it.  You’re good.


In the “should never have to come out of my mouth” category…

“Don’t stand on the chair and fart in your brother’s face.”

Not to the 8 year old.  Or the 10 year old.  Or even the 13 year old. Yes, I did indeed need to say those words to the 16 year old.


Jimmy blew a straw wrapper at Eric and hit him right between the eyes.

Me: Good shot.

Jimmy: I’ve had lots of practice sniping.

Me: I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.


During a conversation about past restaurant jobs…

Me: In high school, I was a cook and a busgirl but not a waitress.

Greg to Jim: Were you ever a waitress?


100th post AND 6 months since I started Momopolize.  And you get farts and butts.  And the image of Jim in a waitress uniform.

You’re welcome.




McQNisms 10-19-12

Me: What did you just say???

Jake:  Uhhh…Shoot.  I just said shoot!

Jimmy:  There definitely was an I in there.

Jake:  I shoot?


Jimmy: (while listening to Pandora)  “Yes!  I’m going to thumbs up the crap out of this song.  Wait, that sounded really wrong.”

(For those of you not familiar with Pandora, you listen to songs and can indicate if you like it or not by clicking on a button with a thumb pointing up or a thumb pointing down.  A song came on that Jimmy REALLY likes.)


Jim (texting me that he picked up a pumpkin flavored bakery treat): I got you a muffin top, pumpkin.

Me: I’ve had a muffin top for years that I can’t get rid of.  And don’t call me pumpkin.


Not really a McQNism, but a voice mail message I received from Jake: “Um, hi Mom.  Um, I got in trouble in Art class for, um, twisting a guy’s nipple and I have detention Monday for it.”  I heard him cover a giggle with a cough while he was leaving the message.  Probably with the dean standing right next to him.   At least he didn’t call it a purple nurple in front of the dean.   When he got home and I tried to discuss it with him, it was obvious we were both holding back laughter.  Bad parent.  But I mean, how do you discuss a purple nurple without laughing??  I wonder if the dean was secretly chuckling also…