Me: Greg do you want some chicken pot pie now?
Greg: Sure. But what’s for dinner?
Me: Chicken pot pie. It is not a dessert kind of pie.
<Eric walks in>
Greg (to Eric): We are having pie. For dinner! All I know is that it has chicken in it. And popcorn.
Me: Popcorn?
Greg: Yeah. You said it is chicken popped pie.
Remember my never-made-a-pie-before-confession? (Obviously that included chicken popped pie also.). Well, now I have! Jake brought his grades up and as a reward I did it. I baked a chocolate meringue pie. And not an Oppan Costco Style pie. I didn’t even use instant pudding. And I made meringue too! Aren’t you proud?____________________________________________________
I usually post jokes and less than stellar moments about my children because no one wants to hear about the sweet, well-behaved moments. Those are just boring.
But I have to share this little note I found scribbled in the notebook I keep next to my computer. Very heartfelt for a 13-year-old…
I will keep it handy for the next time he is screaming how much he hates me.
You can show me some love too…

P. S. Here’s the pie recipe if you are interested.