Tag Archives: Writer

A Blank Page = Endless Possibilities. A Blank Video = End of Possibilities.

Tonight was Author’s Night.  A bunch of 4th graders, including Eric,  read stories they wrote.  It was very cute.  Really, it was.

When I found out Jim had a work conflict and couldn’t attend, I told him I’d videotape Eric.  For the few of you other than me that are still watching the (downfall of) The Office, you will remember in the most recent episode that Jim Halpert missed his daughter’s dance recital because of work.  Pam told Jim she would video the recital so he could watch.  But she messed up. (For the rest of you that gave up on the show when Steve Carrell left, click here for a recap.)

Earlier today I joked that I needed to make sure I didn’t “Pull a Pam.”

I did.

Before Eric read his story, I practiced. I have a beautiful test video of the floor.

As Eric began speaking, I pushed the same buttons.  There was even a red dot on the screen.  I found a spot to stand where I’d have an unobstructed view.  I steadied my hand.  I did everything right.

Only I didn’t.

There is no video.  Not even a few seconds.

I’m a videot.

I did at least get a photo.

Up at the mic!
Up at the mic!

Maybe it is for the best that I pulled a Pam.  Because now I don’t have a video reminder of the Jackhole who decided it was ok to answer his cell phone.  While Eric was reading his story.

I wish I had a video of my friend’s face, who was sitting in front of me, as she turned around to incredulously look at…we’ll just call him “Jack” for short.  Oh wait, I should have a video of it.

Jack did have the “courtesy” to walk out into the hallway (while talking the whole way across the gym) where he continued his phone conversation.  With the gym door open.

Eric didn’t notice the interruption and I was able to save my disbelief for afterwards so I could focus on him and enjoy his moment in the spotlight.

Several of the student authors definitely have the potential of going on to be adult writers.  When they go on their book tours and speak in front of an audience , I will offer them this tip…

Collect all cell phones at the door.


After I realized the video debacle, we did a little reenactment…

Some shots after the show.  Feigning stage fright.
Feigning stage fright.
Can we go home now?
Can we go home now?
Enough photos!
You can put the camera away. Now!
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Click here and then select the “thumbs up” button.  Vote every 24 hours until Feb 13.
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